August for 9.1 eh?

Remember when they spent time designing conduit energy.



I mean they are fully not…

I know several guilds and individuals who invest equal time and effort into both Retail and Off Channel. They each offer their own challenges

When I started playing classic on day 1, most of the players were from retail. By the end of the first month, I was the only one still playing in my guild. By the time I left after 6 months, most of the players I saw were pserver veterans who hadn’t played retail in many expansions.

ive noticed a huge influx of retail people on classic recently. all of them saying they got bored of all the chores and systems in slands.

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Which is hilarious because Shadowlands is the first expansion in a few years now that doesn’t have daily mandatory chores.

People just like to complain. Mandatory chores, they say they don’t like it. Take the mandatory chores away, they say there’s nothing to do.

There’s a ton of stuff to do in Shadowlands, you just aren’t led by the nose every day about what exactly you need to do. And apparently a lot of people just can’t handle not being told what to do every day.

What? When did you start playing? BC had all of T5 at launch, SL has time gated systems to disguise the lack of content. 2 fewer dungeons than BFA at launch? You seem confused.


If you only look at content as dungeons and raids, sure, but the people are complaining are saying they want something to do OTHER than dungeons and raids, which Shadowlands has in abundance. People just don’t do it. The people who are complaining don’t really do dungeons and raids for the most part, either, except maybe on the easiest difficulties, which is another distinction from BC: If you wanted to fight Illidan, you had to fight Illidan, not a watered-down version of him.

In fact, it seems like a lot of people don’t even know a lot of the Shadowlands content is even there. You bring it up and people either won’t do it because it’s too hard, don’t know it exists, or won’t do it because it doesn’t give them gear.

I remember a few weeks ago, some guy was complaining that Shadowlands doesn’t have treasures to loot like MoP did. I linked him the MANY achivements in Shadowlands related to finding treasures in the world - far more than MoP had. He just didn’t know any of it existed.

Whelp, I guess you’re the anomaly…most of it is unfun too many. Torghast is a bore, the Maw is pretty universally despised, the Covenants are time gated to the max and the class balance is embarrassing for a AAA developer. Everything else is great…


If people don’t want to raid, or pvp, or do dungeons, or quest, or explore and find treasures in the world… maybe WoW isn’t the game for them. I’m not sure why so many people who hate all those things ever played WoW in the first place.

I already raided, pvp, dungeons are garbage this expansion and I already got loremaster on the entire game and the explorer title…

Do I have the seal of approvement to have different opinion? :crazy_face:

Seriously if people call the covenant events or the anima grind “something to do” I can’t say what I actually want to say without breaking ToS here but yeah you’re wrong, simple as that.


Our group is still raiding, but people are getting bored with it fast, so that will probably last 2-3 weeks at the most. M+ is also getting very boring and we stopped running Torghast as soon as we got the mount.

If they don’t have new content planned until August, it will be worse than WoD and BfA combined as there is nothing really to do as it is.

You can. You cancel it, then resub when you want to start playing again.

You know contracts are renegotiated all the time right. Its lack of desire to maintain a product’s integrity, choosing instead to funnel funds elsewhere.

the rumored May was already to long and everything highlighted in 9.1 just makes the wait even worse at this rate they might as well kill it at 9.1 and move to the next expansion announcement… SL just continues to be easily the worst expansion to date.


You succeeded in getting content like world quests nerfed into oblivion so you wouldn’t have any reason to do them, and now you’re whining about the people who used to do them but now have nothing meaningful to do.

“But you can do chores! Boring chores are all you deserve!”

You’ve been complaining a lot this expansion. It’s almost as though you’re looking for people to blame instead of the devs.

What exploration? There are actually interesting things out in the world like there used to be? Or are you just talking about checking off pixels on a bucket list?

What “treasures”, grey items?


Everything seems to be falling into place to take a break for a few months.


I think SL has the bones to be the bet expansion yet. It had a solid start and it has systems that could be really amazing with just a bit of work put into them. The issue is though that that work won’t come into effect until June at the earliest and more likely July/august which is just way too damn late.

No. You are wrong. They aren’t. They are conceded very rarely. If he is paid that much, you can bet the company had profits to do it and investors also made theirs. No reason he should be painted as the bad guy, he did what literally anyone would do. And yes even you. If you say you would never accept a contract like that, it’s pure hypocrisy.

So you want them to re-introduce a mandatory daily chore grind like artifact power.

No thanks. I think most folks are pretty happy to have that gone from the game.

I have? The only things I think are wrong with Shadowlands are class design, the covenant system, and the loot nerfs, which, granted, is a BIG package when put together, but I’m not actively complaining about them (although I gave plenty of critical feedback in alpha & beta).

Far more than there used to be. From rares like Exos, Herald of Domination and the Ascended Council, to things like the 9 cats of Maldraxxus, the Alchemists’ pool, all the Inquisitors for the Avowed faction, etc.

Shadowlands has more content than any expansion before it on launch patch (except Legion if you count all the different class halls). It’s just that people don’t do it. Or don’t even know about it.

Koticks 200M bonus says HELLO; what pandemic?