August for 9.1 eh?

I wish you guys wouldn’t take a steamers speculation as fact.

I’m not assuming anything. This is my favorite game as well. And I don’t want to see a bunch of negative things about it all over. But I also don’t want this path WoW is on to continue.

EVERY OTHER industry and company adapted. Not buying that excuse

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yea ff14 had a 2 month patch delay last year but are back to 3 month between patches already, while also making their new xpac. blizz has been slow since BFA with patching and this xpac is even slower…


Canadian eh? :joy:

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You said it better than I could’ve. When I heard that the next patch is potentially August my jaw was on the floor.

In what world did anyone at Blizz think that was an OK as a possiblity in the slightest? We have practically nothing to do now as it is, and they’re expecting another 4 months of this? That’s a no from me fam.

Honestly so sad it’s turning out like this, I really thought SL could turn WoW around and put it back at the top.

If this is true then I think its time for my traditional break. I take breaks between patches. I will pursue other games for my entertainment.
But I will remain active here to see who and what is going on.

BC Classic :stuck_out_tongue:

Huge content patch imo, practically a whole expansion


What’s also sad to me is they really aren’t even addressing the serious balance issues. Of course as usual under Ion’s reign no communication with us either. Radio silence during a very rough first quarter of an expansion is not a good sign. Tells me they are clueless and don’t know which direction to take.


I think that’s exactly why this patch is dragging on. Not only do they need to get the new content ready to go, but there are significant balance issues right now. While I think the community exacerbates those issues, it’s there.

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Maybe Classic TBC will be releasing within the next month or so and Blizzard is banking on that keeping most people subscribed?

I’m not sure BC will be a success. Vanilla had that massive nostalgia and all. I’m not sure TBC is the same.

I think it’s going to be pretty huge. A lot of peoples’ favorite expansion was TBC.

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This is also my theory. Nothing else makes sense. They aren’t this dumb or bad. This is intentional.

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4 more months of this patch sounds like eternity.

Intentionally trying to kill off the currently biggest and most profitable MMO in the US would be pretty dumb. The game is still making a ton of money.

I don’t think they’re trying to kill it. I think they’re so misguided and caught up in their prejudices that they can’t accept input that disagrees with their narrative:

  • Esports good
  • Playerbase bad

I think August is unlikely, June-ish is much more probable.

The big flaw in how Blizzard handles the game is that they dump everything into these colossal mega-patches rather than spread everything out.

They should focus on the new zone first and get that out, then on the big dungeon, then on the raid. Release them 6-8 weeks apart to spread things out.

If they dump everything at once, people are going to ignore most of it.

Just like people are ignoring most of the content in Shadowlands. Shadowlands actually has more launch content than any expansion except maybe Legion, but most of you aren’t doing most of it. They’re going to run into the same problem if they dump everything at once in 9.1.

Your right, August is just a rumour…
I might come on September or December, if you look at blizzard track record in releasing games…

People playing retail and people playing Classic are two wildly different demographics.

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