August for 9.1 eh?

Because Blizzard thinks enough people are addicted so that they can do the minimum and still make money.

In short, we are suckers.

I’m curious to know how many players are really going to stay subbed to play BC. Because I wouldn’t pay five bucks a month to play any expac, let alone $15. I understand that Classic is a thing for some people, but BC? If I’m not paying to play new content then I’m not paying.


saw this

kinda depressing

means they are backtracking a ton of stuff and redesigning some of their bloated systems

I feel like 9.1 will be what 9.0 should have been

Not trying to justify a lot of the problems we are facing in game, but you guys realize we are in a tense pandemic moment and everything, not only WoW patches, is taking longer to be done, right?

And tons didn’t do fine.

Not every company adjusted super well to these changes, even big ones. I’m not saying we should give them a pass, but I am saying that it’s more likely the pandemic caused delays than Blizzard intentionally sabotaging their product, which is what the original comment I was responding to claimed.

Really? Because my wife works in the software biz and they are delivering on time.


I’d just like some communication from the devs on where the patch is at. It should have been live by now by any reasonable patch cycle, and it’s not even on the PTR radar yet.


Good for her.
Maybe you should not be so selfish and realize that your wife probably is not facing the same issues many are having to deal with? My wife also works from home and is losing a lot indirectly.

You know, as much you can complain about their work with justifiable reasons or not, companies are made of people and not robots. Their might lose their friends, relatives, they might have bad mental or physiological conditions slowing down their results.

The world is in a economical, sanitary crisis with many struggling really hard with depression and loss of stable finances while you type that pretending everything is working fine. It is not.

If the final product satisfies the playerbase or not that is another debate, but to assume the delay has nothing to do with the covid situation is just selfish.

Or maybe you should realize that my wife is going through everything others are plus more, but is getting her work done.

Not facing the same issues? Lol!

You just keep on making excuses for Blizzard. Excuses don’t keep people paying to play the game.


I doubt we’ll be waiting that long for new game content

The point is that there’s nothing to talk about because we’re in a content drought, and rather than make interesting content Bellular makes these annoying videos that just get people more riled up.

I understand people are not happy but it really speaks to a creative stunting if he can’t manage to make interesting content beyond what Wowhead said this week.

If it’s really August then rip.
What happened here is they didn’t put priority on 9.1, they put priority on fixing the game they released too early. Game wasn’t ready for release, now they’re playing catch up for it.


Typically large content patches are on the PTR for at least 2 months.

Additionally, the releases of Classic TBC and 9.1 will in no way have overlap. They will want to space it out by at least 2 if not 4 weeks.

It’s the end of March and there is no PTR for 9.1, hence it probably won’t be coming out in June.

I can understand this. The problem I have is that shadowlands isn’t a bad expansion because of story, it’s size, or anything like that. They even came up with a new concept with torghast which in all honesty isn’t a bad idea at all! I like the idea of a solo dungeon. Yet it was the design that they wrapped it all in that makes it feel bad. The systems and the limitations they put on us. The lack of rewards. The last couple of expansions had the same issue and it isn’t because of pandemic. It’s streamlining and timegating our endgame yet continuing to add unrewarding over-complicated systems to stripped down classes. The design itself has felt bit uninviting to me personally for a while.

Nothing is exciting about finding another conduit or a memory, or unlocking a soul bind for me. Just like azerite armor. Just like legion relics and artifact power lol. Blah


Can you lock xp at 59?

There is a lot to talk about. WoW has a lot of bugs, massive balance issues, poor loot system, completely broken pvp MMR and boosting, class design is lacking, anima grind is horrendous, the Maw is laughable as an endgame zone. Sounds like a lot to talk about to me.

I know you don’t want to hear how your favorite game sucks but the truth hurts.


Honestly Ion is almost as bad as freaking Ghostcrawler was… They share one common thing, they Do NOT listen to feedback seriously

Like look at this expansion, at least for paladins they had nothing better to do other than go “lets just re-do WoTLK class mechanics but make them worse”


:frowning: I loved LK Paladin. I loved WoD Paladin. I loved Cata Holy Paladin. I like none of the paladins now.

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Maybe they should just go back to the office if it isn’t working? I don’t know about California, but in my state anyone who wants a vaccine can get it.


I don’t think you understand my stance at all. I’m not enjoying Shadowlands. Don’t make assumptions like this.

Willing doesn’t enter into it. They had to… if they never wanted to pay it they shouldn’t have made the contract with him.