August for 9.1 eh?

To me, class design is the core of gameplay though. True, WoD was light on content, but what we got was very good. Legion on the other hand, had great content but bad class design for many of us.

See above. IMO class design trumps content in reference to gameplay. Also Mythic Dungeons (no +) were introduced in WoD.


Maybe not ‘killing’ but winding it down to a smaller portion of dedicated resources.

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You can pause your subscription, you just have to pay months outright when you come back.

Unless you use a credit card maybe so your bank can laugh at you as you pay high interest rates.

Oh, they have needed reigning in for awhile now. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Illidan and the story stuff from Legion, it would have been a huge flop overall. Their systems were incredibly bad there as well and every expansion it feels as if they get worse and worse. The only time the game starts to feel “fun” is when all of their systems are invalidated at the end.


People do realize August is a rumor right?

Not saying it won’t be August or that it will be August, but there’s no reason to take it as fact. It’s rumor and speculation.

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Why would you have bought a 6 month sub? That’s on you

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Yeah…Im really getting tired of the pandemic excuse. No, no the pandemic was not the reason SL turned into a steaming pile. People are in denial.


so it’s okay keep sticking up for them when way bigger companies than blizz adjusted got on track and did great. but i know small indie company. it’s no excuse when tons did fine. crappy management is what got them here, my company did fine and its one of the biggest in the world. excuses cause covid is quite lame. maybe if you actually was a restraunt or something like that the ones who really got affected by the covid ya.


Sub monthly and you can. A 6 month sub saves you $24 a year. Going monthly and not subbing for 3 months would have saved you $45. Realistically if you think there is even just one month out of the year you don’t want to play WoW going monthly is pretty reasonable.

The only people who should sub for 6 months are people who know there’s a 0% chance they will not unsub, but they coerce you into 6 month subs via “savings” and mounts. GG yo.


Yes August is a rumor. Blizzconline gave me the impression they were not far along on 9.1. Seems like most of their resources are going to BC Classic. I wouldn’t be surprised if 9.1 was in September or later to be honest.


I’m pretty sure you can pause your subscription. Contact Billing and tell them when you want your subscription paused and that you’ll contact them when you want it unpaused.

Pretty sure Blizzard’s Billing Department does this for Vacation time and since we are coming into spring and summer, I’m sure a lot more people will be pausing or unsubscribing for spring summer.

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

lol, with the latest drums post, I would say that is not the case with TBC Classic. They are showing already that is being phoned in as well. Every game we get from this crew looks to be phoned in with some cash shop sprinkled in to offset their laziness.

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Deves are following orders. Im not going to call anyone out but we all know who needs to be replaced.

You dont replace the crew you replace the captain

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If BC Classic also flops…lol

Seriously, it should be the biggest home run for them in many years and yet…so far they are looking to piss as many people off as possible.

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Ion is like the Michael Bay of WoW. We just want decent story, great class design and freedom to play how we want.

Under his leadership you see all these FLASHY systems! Oh wow! Look at this! and by the end you just start asking yourself why? Why do we need these? They are useless and usually create more barriers than we had in classic with attunements. The game is best when it is simple. They have to stop with all the systems and systems to deal with systems. It is not fun. I do not truly remember these being a thing until Ion took the helm and since then the game has transformed into something I do not even recognize. Maybe it is a coincidence. Idk. But when the ship is going down, you do, indeed, have to look to the captain.


This is still just a rumor since Blizz rarely if ever releases dates of PTR, even if a popular streamer says it is true. That being said, if the PTR comes out next week (April 1-2 launch) there is still the chance of it hitting end of June. Figure roughly a 3 month testing period for the primary content and a few extra weeks for the raid content that won’t go live at launch.

Now I do believe that the raid will be live around August, but it might be a bit later seeing how slow the raid progression has gone in Castle.

Devs following orders doesn’t explain their absolute arrogance and insistence on systems and systems and systems. They are having to redesign them every single expansion. It is a huge waste of time redoing them over and over.

Not saying they aren’t being leaned on by certain company Executives but this looks to me like they are out of ideas and can’t admit they need new talent. Of course they don’t want to pay new talent so we are stuck with a blowhard from Elitest Jerks who raid logs to develop the game.


Nah, just trolling.

That said, even if the patch goes on PTR this week, best case is we see it in mid to late May. Personally I think June is more likely.

A streamer takes a guess from another streamer who guesses based off of their so called insider info. And you get click baited into the end of the world is coming stream because its all doom and gloom for WoW no matter what is actually happening.

I personally don’t think it will matter when 9.1 comes out, no one will be happy that is unhappy now. It wont snap them back. The base of the people who dislike WoW at this stage will always dislike WoW no matter what is placed on the table in front of them by Blizzard. It is hopeless to try to please them, and Blizzard already knows this.