August for 9.1 eh?

That’s all Bellular does. So yeah he’s fanning the flames for sure. He’s got nothing better to talk about besides reading off Wowhead and making it into a 10 minute video.


I won’t say it was, but I won’t say it wasn’t.

I don’t think, despite the doom and gloom, that he’s too far off this time. We’ve got nothing even announced for the PTR, and I imagine (amongst all the other crap going on at Blizzard) that COVID really screwed up production timelines.

I don’t think it’s unrealistic to assume June at the earliest, unfortunately.


August seems a bit unfounded. If the PTR drops next week or 2nd week of April we will still likely see a June release for 9.1

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The PTR will come out early/mid May. September patch drop.

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Late may with at best 8 weeks on PTR? I seriously doubt that but I guess it’s possible. If 9.1 is a flop I think this expansions fate is sealed. There is so much crap they have to fix I can’t see them doing it with minimal testing time.


On one hand…no content… on the other hand, I’m just gonna use this 4 month opportunity to stockpile anima.

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I’m not defending Bellular or anything but what positive news about WoW is there to talk about? The hype for this expansion was “It’s better than BFA”. I’m not sure it is better than BFA. Is it better than patch 8.3? MAYBE. For Raiders maybe. Everyone else? No. Not in my opinion.


Makes sense… they give low gear drops to keep ppl busy doing the same boring content, to produce less content


“If” it is true, the thoughts that this would be a 2 patch expansion appears to be true. If no 9.1.5, then 9.2 wouldn’t be until 2022. By then, their focus will be on 10.0 or a very weak *** 9.3


You really want to fix wow? Someone needs to get the CEO into wow. Who wants to man up and go do it? lol


Personally, I think there is a chance that some devs get replaced after this flop. This is looking to be the second flop in a row and 3rd out of 4. This incompetence, apathy, laziness, whatever excuse for the last 7 years is not sustainable.


No one knows for sure, but judging by how little they had to show at Blizzcon, and taking into account the typical three month ptr cycle for a major patch, July seems very probable at this point.

If the ptr goes live in the next two weeks then maybe not.


Honestly yeah, it’s kinda of gotten ridiculous at this point.


Because we’re in April now effectively, and 9.1 hasn’t been released on the PTR yet - so June seems like a no-go already.

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Which should be plenty of time for BC to steal a large portion of the retail player base. Then Blizzard can get out of the business of putting out new expansions but instead spend comparatively little money revamping all the previous expansions. That should give them another decade until they have to invest in actual new content.

Pretty impressive conspiracy theory, huh?


Erm, WoD had no gameplay outside of raiding and pvp. It didn’t even have M+. Though it did have challenge dungeons which kinda substitutes m+?

That said the question is, what’s better? Awful content, or no content? Both opinions are equally valid, tbh…

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Not a conspiracy, it’s a fact. They’ll just have to put some efford on retail after the end of wotlk classic, when the subs will start to drop.

Until there retail will just be a copy and paste of old system with some changes, to call it new.

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Yes the game that has made blizzard the most moneys has the least development resources.

Like why.


In the gameplay dept, WoD was better than most IMHO. A step down from MoP, but still better than most.


WoD was not a good expansion by any means bit class design was much better for sure. If they stopped the systems development and put time and resources into class design the game would be fine.

I quit caring about Covenants and soulbinds and anima in December.