August for 9.1 eh?

Slower than an ftp game sure, but less?

We are getting a raid, zone, dungeon, new story, a plethora of new mounts, and more. Like I’m not thrilled with 9.1 because their going back on alot of their word from before shadowlands, but if we compare it to another ftp game like swtor it’s a heck of a lot more.

Swtor is getting new story and I think hard mode of the existing raids. That’s it. That’s their major content patch.

Like which ftp game are you referring to that is giving more than wow in their content patches?

I had to naysay but it does look like they are going to do a WoD with SL because they know TBC will be a money maker and requires very little work.


Cancel it, resub come August.

I don’t know about F2P games but we used to laugh at the rate FFXIV got content, but one raid every 9 months is pretty pitiful all things considered.

Remember, Shadowlands doesn’t have new classes or races. The expectation is to get much in the way of content to compensate. That didn’t happen though. We’re just getting less. Every single FFXIV expansion adds two new classes, and while classes in that game are smaller than in WoW, they’re still adding a lot to the game constantly. We’re getting shafted big time with Shadowlands.

Doesn’t help if they just got tricked into a 6-month sub riding the Blizzcon hype train and seeing a shiny new pet deal.


Both Wrath and MoP had 10 month content gaps in the later half…

You are right. That team copy/ pasted an entire raid for wrath’s first tier. Then also released two of the least popular raids ever.

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I didn’t say anything about ffxiv or other sub only games. The comment was:

Which is just not true, ftp games rarely get as much in a patch as wow does.

Comparing to ffxiv and other sub only games is fair. Comparing it to ftp and calling it worse is just over dramatizing a mediocre patch.

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Dude SWTOR which is free to play AND has free expansions has put out more content this year than SL.

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I’ve been saying the same thing. They changed for the worse after we fought no flying and made them cave in. They have been spiteful ever since.


Yep, I am honestly baffled why is it taking this long… this expansion is going the way of WOD… Shadowland is starting to make battle for Azeroth look good


This makes zero logical sense though. WoW still makes so much money for them.

I wanna see how bad covid impacted development. That fact that SL was delayed, and now the first patch is going to be super late, it’s time for Blizz to just make a statement to either confirm our fears, or calm people down.

That excuse only go so far when other development teams can put out more content then a billion dollar company


The only logical explanation is that the devs don’t play this game and they have truly and completely lost touch. Also they are bankrupt of fresh ideas and most importantly they have no passion anymore. They could make a lot more money elsewhere if they were actually talented.


I agree but it sure seems that way to a LOT of people. It doesn’t make sense for a spiteful partner to destroy the TV or the car yet people still do it. Spite throws logic right out the window.

I know.
But what’s the alternative? They bungled development this bad?
They shifted resources to TBC?

Has to be an explanation somewhere.

Well what was the excuse for WOD…

But you’re absolutely right this doesn’t make sense… the only thing I can think of is the development team just don’t care anymore and are phoning it in


I mean bc ActiBlizz doesn’t really publicly talk about subs and the real overhead cost of the game there is no way to know. I have seen some people that have worked in the industry say that maintaining a long term game like WoW is more resource intensive than a game that is a one and done project with maybe some dlc.

I don’t think it makes sense to say that the company is trying to kill off the game. However, it is logical that they would look at the shrinking audience and want to minimize dev time, which leads to smaller teams and reduced budgets. After that, the decline of the game is self-perpetuating.

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9.0 alone was more than swtor has done in the last year. Get out of here with that. Or are you really counting repeats of the exact same gimmick events every month as content? And you call that quality. Please.

And thats coming from someone who loves swtor as much as wow.

LOL about what?

You guys need to stop taking what streamers say as gospel.

Let’s take Preach as an example. Most of his content from beta wasn’t original, he just read the beta forums and talked about what issues people were bringing up there. NOT the other way around.

Streamers want clicks. They have zero regard for the health of the game. They’ll change their opinions on a dime in order to come up with new clickbait headlines to get more views. And they’re always pumping up their self-importance to try and make it seem like they’re the “inside people”.

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