oh i see, you are confused… you aren’t aware of the fact that people can post on the forums on characters that are not their main.
that is a very common error that people make here, so it’s understandable for you to make the same error. but the great thing about you making this mistake is that you gave me the opportunity to be the person who provides the correct answer to you… and guess what? you are a better person now than you were before because now you know the correct answer
i am so glad that we had this discussion as you should be as well.
Aug is a required spec that is brokenly OP with no easily discernible way to know if a person is playing well. It’s made it harder for dps to find groups.
To add on to this, how do you create a new support spec? Does it step on aug’s toes and buff the same stats? Does it debuff or buff different stats, effectively changing the meta to forever be 1 buffer, 1 debuffer, and the best of the 33 DPS specs? It’s just such a dogwater idea.
The opinion of any coward hiding behind an alt is immediately discarded, because I’m going to assume that you’re lying about your endgame experience, as many on this board do.