Not necessarily. I would envision them just more or less doing rogue combat things with musical “spellcasts” woven into the rotation that would probably have an animation of them using an instrument of some kind. Maybe a bit more mid-range abilities like outlaw has, in-line with aug evokers range abilities.
Well if Aug is “working” to you, then yes, bard would also probably “work.”
That was the moment I turned the TV off and didn’t finish the series.
I just edited my post to include it but, this is kinda what I’m talking about:
The important question still needs to be answered: what’s their role, what are they supposed to do or add to the game?
If all they would do is to “play like another class already in the game”, with very little creative theming to their character/class except “instrument” … what’s that supposed to add except to try to make the things it borrows from pointless?
What you are currently describing is an augment evoker, not what could exist in WoW as a bard
I will say it again that one can make it work, but it needs more thought to be put into it than that
(And to just stress my point, I’m actually making a similar argument as what you made earlier but expanding on it to also include the possibility of mixing this particular request with that of the, strangely, popular request for a tinkerer class)
They could finally do something with outlaw.
Outlaw is awesome, same with Assassination and Subtlety
They play very differently, have different theming, and they are good as they are - in terms of thematics, one can and should fix some stuff about 'em like removing Sleep and Snore from the rotation though
But Outlaw is good as it is, thematically speaking
I mean a musical based spec/class is pretty creatively different from anything else we have.
If you boil every spec down they’re ultimately doing one of three (now fourish) roles, so by saying they could do something “like” another spec I’m really just comparing role performance.
I’d actually prefer Tinkers long before bards lol
They’re popular because they’re one of the few remaining Warcraft III heroes that isn’t really represented by a WoW class, and a mechanically based class would be a very drastically different aesthetic than anything else we have.
Oh, is this a thread to be demandy in?
I demand Ponies of Death! Small steeds of terror that shall clip-clop through the streets of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, terrorizing battle pets.
But, yeah sure, y’all can have bard class idc.
Ehm… I think you might want to revisit what I said earlier because at this point I’m pretty sure you missed the first edit I made where I kinda went along with your idea of “first tinkerers” and considering there’s already several references to Rock’n’roll in this thread …
I’m not the first one to make a non-lute inspired version of this class
But in terms of tinkers the reason why they aren’t in the game is because Engineers exist, and they have historically been referred to as tinkerers and have a lot of stuff or at least references to the tinker class from WC3
Ehm, and when I said this I actually didn’t mean dps/tank/healer/support I meant things like “Long ranged”, “Magic”, “Physical”, “X over time”, and other things like that
And each class and specialization is largely overall rather distinctive, some few overlaps but not massive ones and usually the ones that there are basically become part of the particular class fantasy (druids shapeshifting “to have a role that suits their needs” is an example of this, where the point is that you can change into a role that has a more dedicated playstyle of a similar kind elsewhere)
But true enough that I shouldn’t have used the word “role” for that though so… my mistake, sorry! ^^’
Not sure I’m buying the premise that Aug has been such a stunning success you can pin anything to it.
It can be
Paladins kinda have that. Just you gotta bring your own death. B.Y.O.D if you will.
I never said it was anything other than it was proof. It’s in the game, that opens the door to other variations of support gameplay IMO. Proof of concept doesn’t mean it works well. Just that it works.
This is the hard I want to see. No doubt.
I guess not all of us are cut from the same cloth after all.
Behold there was a pale horse and upon it sat… oh wait…
I felt they should’ve ended it after the 3rd season. I gave the 4th season a chance but… once it got to that scene, I just couldn’t take it any more. I think my wife watched the whole thing.
Aug is your bard class just a diff skin
You are a strange person. That was the best scene of the season lol
potentially the entire show
I would wait and see how things play out once Dragonflight is over before declaring Augmentation is “proof” that the Support role will work or not in WOW. It’s entirely possible that AugVoker doesn’t perform well enough for Blizzard and they don’t make Support-role specs any more.
I hope it does well enough that Blizzard implements more in the future, though. I like the idea and think it offers something new to look forward to as new classes, and possibly new specs, get added in future expansions.
I never thought Bard fit with WoW. It has never been a part of the world or lore.
I don’t want it.
Tinker makes way more sense, that is at least part of the warcraft lore.
Personally I don’t want any more classes. We have enough problems with the ones we have.
I’m sure it’s coming! Augvoker was a test to support classes. And we have a proof that it was well received from the community.
We are getting bards next and I cannot wait!