Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

Please put in a button that sells all the mats in your Reagent bag at the going market rate.


If Blizz break TSM. The transmog market will be very interesting to watch. It would be funny watching gold making youtubers post 500000 items by hand.

The WoW token will probably crash hard too because it be harder for bots to prop it up.


I don’t think bots would be affected if they broke an Addon.

Bots will bot, regardless.


Also for probably not the last time, API calls made by addons are strictly throttled to “human” levels. Blizzard has used this throttling model for ages and any issues with it are not an addon problem; they are a Blizzard backend scaling or coding problem.

Blizzard knows from DF exactly what the “beginning of expansion” load will (would) be. The AH model (region-wide commodities, per-server everything else) was the same as it is now all the way through DF. Take DF, add 20% or 50% or whatever based on sales, that’s your scaling right there.

Again, if it’s a load problem, it’s the fault of the company providing the service, not the users paying for the service. The load the AH is experiencing now is entirely predictable from the previous expansion.

But given the sometimes terrible performance of the AH 2 months ago when there was almost no one playing, I think that any outages probably have an entirely different cause unrelated or at most indirectly related to load. Heck, Blizzard even stopped updating the AH game data API for several days a couple months ago. That was certainly completely unrelated to load.

Also /ignore.


This has nothing to do with TSM. People are just trying to cause a huge fight over nothing. If they wanted to break it they would have 10 years ago.


please elaborate on how running scripts that snipe and list auctions automatically is as a matter of fact not botting?


I mean, they knew this was coming looking at DF… They just don’t care lol… They will wait it out till the AH traffic dies down and claim they did literally anything and then let us suffer again at next xpac launch…



Sadly, if the definition of “botting” was “Scripting and doing things automatically” a lot of addons would get people banned.

Do you have DBM? Banned. Do you have Altoholic, banned. Recount? Banned. TomTom? Banned.

I agree that this practice is wrong, but the how to fix it is a very hard subject to do without destroying a “free market” type system.

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Is there a reason you posted about this now instead of the first day of launch when it has been degraded?

Ban TSM already. It’s a blight on AH use.

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It’s really simple, if the addon takes automatic actions that physically affect the game space. I.e. attacking, moving, listing something, buying something it’s botting. Automatic information is totally fair game, automatic actions should not be.


Thats great because TSM doesn’t do that LOL. What a self own.


It’d have to be a very expressly given line if that was the case. What is defined as an “Automatic action”? DBM for example, performs the actions all the time of putting markers on the ground and on other characters, typing and sending text out from your character. While information based, it is performing actions on your behalf.

It’s a hard line to walk, without automatically just stating “No addons”. As a player or developer would have to potentially constantly ask Blizzard “Is this addon acceptable”?

I spend about an hour total every 2 days refreshing 1400-1500 transmog auctions while listing them at a price where they will slowly but surely sell. I also use TSM to keep track of what to craft. I have almost every old armor and weapon recipe …

So, yeah, the tmog market would crater.

If Blizzard wants to make changes to make real-time sniping more difficult, sure.

the self reports in the replies here

take down the AH due to their addon and act high and mighty and defend it

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It is botting.

However, TSM does none of that automatically. No addon can do any of that automatically. The API that addons use requires UI input for posts and purchases. One auction, one click/button/mousewheel.

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I mean, I guess someone “Has to do it” but… Doesn’t that get tiring? Is that all you do in game is play the AH? asking sincerely, not trying to be rude… even though it can come off that way

The few times I ever use the AH, It’s just a hassle if I want to actually sell something. Most times, if something returns from the first attempt I just vendor it cause why deal with trying to do the AH thing.

Just seems like a lot of work in a video game.

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It’s “dailies,” although more lucrative, and less time-consuming.

make that money at whatever means necessary. I’ve made a million gold so far. I’ve also been stocking up on gold quality pots and flasks that I’ve managed to snipe and I’m going to sell them right at season release during the peak price.

often and early as they say.

It’s funny to me that in the end this is all very small peanuts compared to actual sustainable gold-making structure. But sure enjoy your free gold.