Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

Interesting. I’ve been using it for a decade and I haven’t noticed it breaking every other day outside of major releases of an expansion. Even then, it rarely does. I download it once during an expansion and maybe update it once during it and it continues to work because I’m not the type of person to constantly update addons.

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It is literally people using tsm to undercut by 90% then immediately snipe.

You don’t need to diagnose. We know the cause.

There is a reason people have been asking you to ban tsm for years now.


TBH the problem is that TSM is a symptom of the cause. That cause being the horrible change they made to the AH back when they made it a first in first out system, and automatic pricing when you put something up.

Before they changed how the AH worked these types of problems were really easy to spot and basically ignore.

In what universe is this a problem?

In the normal plain old AH UI all you do is drag in or right-click the item you want to auction, find the first listing that has a large quantity (representing the market price), click on that listing, and hit the post button. Your auction will sell either instantly or in a minute or three. I actually use the plain old UI in cases exactly like this.

If you want to buy, that’s not a problem either.

People sniping small quantities of reagents is … not a problem.

It’s actually likely more a problem for people using addons to post as you may not be configured properly to ignore excessively low priced auctions when undercutting.

If you’re not disciplined enough to check the price you are selling at, you deserve to be selling your 50g herb for 3s until you acquire that discipline.

There is not the slightest problem with how the commodity auction works in principle. The pricing is efficient and you can sell any current expansion good almost instantly if you want.

How it is working in practice, blame the people who are paid to make it work, not the people who are paying to use it.


It is a problem when it happening on mass volume basically clogging up the order system on the back end.

Since the AH auto populate the value field of a listing with the currently lowest listed price, what people do is they drop in super low undercut values to get either other bots, or unsuspecting players to list their materials, then buy them at that price, or cause the people to drop the price in error.

If you wanna see an example of this just look at the Bismuth ore market, its going crazy right now.

It’s not even slightly crazy.

You want to talk about AH abuse, let’s go back to the days of posting 2000 single arrows.

The commodities AH is perfectly fine. If someone is incompetent at using that extremely simple, extremely clear interface, that’s a PEBCAK issue not an auction addon issue.

Given your description of “the problem,” I wonder if you even use the built-in AH. It is simply. Not. A. Problem.



I hate to bring this up but… It would be nice if you could pass along the Unholy DK Glyph problem too. If unholy spec you can not change, apply or Remove Pet glyphs. Been happening since the first build of Beta. Some of us DKs feel like our reports fall on Deaf ears

LOL you people never stop.

Dude, the bismuth marking is the wild west right now, im able to buy things at like 25g a ore depite the current going price being 47~49 because of these people using TSM and other mods to snipe people out, i have been moving thousands and thousnds of units of ore at hte moment because of how easy it is to play against the botters.

Basically all you have going on right now, a whirl pool of people shuffling ore around from various buys and selleers, the gold is litearlly just shuffling around peoples hands at the moment.

You’re complaining that you can get a 50% discount by doing something quickly.

Okay you are on /ignore.

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Complaining? no, pointing out that this is happening on mass because of bots trying to automate the system? yes.

Im one for disaster capitalisms i make gold going down or up so no difference to me.

You people? I’m just stating what I’ve heard. Could it be correct, it’s plausible. Could it be wrong, again probably. Instead of doing your comment, you could have been like others here stating how it actually works, dispelling the rumor.

Like how Brewbaker did, by stating that even though it’s an addon it still requires a very human touch of interaction. To still “Hit buttons”. It’s not entirely automated.

Again, I don’t use this Addon, nor do I have an inclination to. I can only go off what I hear or what I’m told.

By one person sure. But not thousands.

To think otherwise it’s being intentionally oblivious.


I agree it’s probably bots. I am sitting here watching someone post 2 star weavercloth for half the rate, I’m buying them up as fast as I can but once in a while I do see a bunch pile up at that price and then disappear, prob the baiter buying them up and relisting.

This is prob a bot/volume of players issue. TSM has nothing to do with it.

I’m on A-52, search weavercloth, drill down to the 2 stars, keep refreshing and you’ll see it.

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TSM is a pain to configure and it is not fast. It has a lot of users, but probably not much more than 1-2% of active players.

Where it’s really helpful is in crafting, and in determining realistic sale prices. Sniping is a thing it can do, but a much simpler addon can do sniping, and I bet that most snipers use something else.

For probably not the last time, TSM users are a single digit percentage of the people who have an AH window open. Sure there are a lot of them. There are 20-50x more of everybody else.

I’m assuming you know this, but the commodities auctions are region-wide.

What you are seeing there is the collective behavior of people across ~80 realms – the entire US player base. When you look at it in that perspective, it’s really pretty damn calm.


I’ve seen this when I sparely use the AH. I’ll go in to post my things, and find out that it’s “selling” on the AH for less than the items even worth to an NPC vendor. Yet somehow there is thousands of posts of it.

I find this kind of behavior shouldn’t be allowed. But I think the problem would be, how do you fix it? do you place hard caps on pricing? To where you cannot list an item below at least a 10% markup of its vendor value? But then how do you stop these people when the market value is lets say 50g, but they’re putting them up at 5c?

Yea, the hard thing is that there is nothing actually wrong with trying to bait people like this other than it’s boring, 1, and 2, grey area in terms of how ethical it is. But it’s a video game. I agree it’s stupid but I don’t know what they could do.

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Please look up how many people it takes to ddos servers to the point they’re unstable.

I’ll wait :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was saying that so anyone in the region could get some half price weavercloth if they want. And no, this is one person. I have the name, it comes up on my TSM. Listing 1 cloth anywhere between 21.98 and 22.36. I’ve been doing this for 20 minutes straight just watching him.

I just wish my profession, tailoring, didn’t need me to either wallow in no drops or spec into getting drops but at the sacrifice of not being able to craft anything.

This is what I dislike about the new professions. If you choose to go the route of not being “Land Starved” Your then hit with being “Creature starved”. to put in the sense of magic terms. and of course vice-versa should you go the other way.

Edit: aka, you can have all the resources in the world but have nothing to spend them on. Or you can have all the things in the world to make but no resources to use.