Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

In my opinion, All AH addons need to be broken and made unusable. Been trying to buy stuff off of the AH tonight to level my professions. And every auction says “Item not available”.

There is no way that players are sniping up auctions the same second it is listed without using the addons for botting. They need to be broken and no longer allowed to be used in-game.


Is that why we can’t buy anything off the AH? So far, all I’ve been doing is selling mats and crafted gear. But tonight I’ve tried a couple times to buy a bigger reagent bag and it’s not working.

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Pretty sure the reason is because of the rampant bots on the AH now. Many players reporting it. Really bad tonight on my server, Area 52.

Items are getting sold literally exact same second it’s listed automatically. Which is resulting in the “Item not found” error. So, You are likely experiencing the exact same issue I and along with many players are experiencing.


And you’d be 100% incorrect. Its an issue on Blizzards end. End of story.

Tom Ellis on X: “So what’s going on with the Auction House is an interesting tech problem, a well meaning and simple design change caused a DB table that used to hold 20-60k rows to now contain tens of millions. Not a problem by itself but we’ve got some code changes to make to support this new world we live in. We’re going to throw more hardware at the problem with maintenance while people far more clever than me work on actual solutions.”

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I’d tell you how ticked off I am, but I’d get banned because of all F bombs I’d be dropping. Fix it 100% or shut it down. It’s that simple.


Wait til Blizzard finds out the crafting ui they added back in dragonflight beta leaks memory.

It takes Blizzard years before they notice regressions or broken coding.

Yea and lets not forget they charged everyone 40 bucks to play early and this is what we get. **** blizzard

Because players are constantly scanning the AH to get them lowest prices, they buy them out and repost for like 10x what they paid for them.

Now count how many realms there are plus players trying too buy said mats and them constantly being reposted… it creates a nightmare

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Then they need to just roll it back until they figure it out. This lag is not possible to work with.

Simple solution is disable auction hall addons. Don’t allow them.


This is not an addon issue. The listings are not being removed from the database fast enough.


There is no reason a real player needs an auction hall addon. None. Its only purpose is to bot. Put code in to break the addons.

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Says someone who literally doesn’t understand how real players use the AH for stuff other than commodities. I don’t do sniping or cancel/relist or whatever the game the bots are playing but I have hundreds of patterns and very rare transmog items that I have crafted or collected, and they can take years to sell. No, I’m not going to sit there and click on ~1000 items every 2 days to post them manually.

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I guess you think I should just sit in trade spamming everything I have to sell after cross referencing Undermine.Exchange, a website which pulls its information from the freely available API, every 2 minutes to make sure i’m keeping with the current sales trends.

There is no reason to pretend add-ons are the problem when Blizzard has admitted otherwise.


Its funny everyone is screaming “TSM, TSM!” when Auctionator does very similar things to TSM, but is a tad more user-friendly is the 4th most popular addon overall while TSM is 34, and Auctinator has 3 times as many downloads. But, yeah TSM bots is the issue…

From what I can understand, AH was originally coded to be one server only, no cross server support. And it had been that way since AH went live oh about 20 years ago when the game came out. The total listing were maybe a few thousand sellers at most.

A few years ago, AH became tied to multiple servers so more of the supplies are shared and made it easier for low pop server to find and buy hard to find materials. But this also meant AH is now manned by 10s of thousand sellers per cluster an many million listing, and this slows down the AH server by a lot. More data to manage, more sellers listing things to keep track of, and more buyers looking for things.

TL;DR server problem. Increasing RAM may help migrate but I would think an overhaul of AH coding would be needed to speed up processing of new listing and sales.

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September 1

We believe we’ve resolved the issue previously affecting Auction House performance.


At long last, its over my son

Kaivax, the AH swallowed a crowd pummeler 2-30 I posted after wednesday maintenance. I need it back because it costs 3 million gold. Any news on this?