Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

Thanks for the hard work on the issue!

Appreciate y’all getting to it, especially on a holiday weekend!

I’m sorry, but you’re not correct. The armor and weapon items that are actually level 80 are still showing up in the AH still as requiring level 70 to use them. These are primarily green items ilevel 558 or higher. It seems blue rarity items or arena/bg green items have been adjusted correctly, but these other items are still showing as requiring level 70 to use them.

And your response did not include how folks who have bought these falsely labeled items are going to get their gold back. What is the plan for that or is there no plan at all?


TSM might as well be a bot at this point.

People bot TSM.

They either use lua unlockers and patch the addon itself to work without clicks, or they use an autoclicker to press the TSM buttons on a timer.

In fact, we know quite a few people pay more to access said cheats than to pay their wow sub.

WoW needs an anti-cheat overhaul at this point, it’s super sad.

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That’s another issue entirely. NO mount should cost that much. what percentage of the playerbase can afford that? Mats cost way too much these days.

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they need to just break tsm

The AH has improved, but I still shouldn’t see the “fetching item info” circle cycle more than 1.5 times. Which happens when you place the item in the selling slot, and when you press to list it. Makes unloading bags take forever.

A few items go pretty fast tho, at least. Like Luredrop.

Honed Bone Shards, tho… forget about it. That’s like 3+ “Fetching item info” cycles for each window placement and activation of the auction.

Bloody Perch? Lookin at 2.5 cycles, for a total of 5 each listing. etc etc.

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I had this happen at the beginning of DF with a Mekgineers Chopper. I had to go through support 4 times because the first 3 times they just kept telling me I had it in my mount collection then would close the case. Finally the forth time they understood that I had posted it in the AH and it just disappeared and were able to return it. It did take about a month to get it sorted out.

But definitely report it to support and use clear and concise language when explaining what happened.

Visual bug, once you click at the item (like you gonna buy it) and then hover your mouse over it… you’ll see the actual level requirement

I appreciate you posting this work-around; however, how many of the WoW community are not aware of this? The only way I’ve purchased any items from the AH is to select the item, verify it on the next screen (via the same icon that is at the top of the next window) and purchased the item. I’ve never seen the AH with this false level labeling issue before and there needs to be an immediate hotfix to this or bump to a Dev Team. Else, just like my situation, multiple people will have spent their hard-earned gold and find out that the level 70 item they purchased turns out to be a level 80 item when they receive it in their mailbox.

What would be super helpful is for you to tell us:

Which problem, exactly, did this solve?

As in, what was the behavior players were seeing that should be fixed now? You never told us this part! …

“We’ve had reports of problems with the AH [performance]” doesn’t really narrow down the “problem” in a way that players can use to tell whether or not the problem they are experiencing is going to be addressed by Blizzard’s upcoming fix.


The ah works, that’s what they fixed, it barely worked, and now it works

It only costs that much if an Engineer bought all the mats from a vendor which is pretty much all of them right now since I doubt anyone got all of them by breaking stuff down yet.

It is disgraceful that Blizzard’s communication on game-breaking issues is found on Xitter then works its way to Reddit/Wowhead, then finally some random poster has to bring it over here.

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They should just put a ticker above the auction house that constantly updates us on the AH load at times and potential delays in game.

yeah…seemed better today.

Can we get a fix on the Charged Slicer recipe being treated as a sword, not an axe? Or at least confirmation that a fix is being worked on?

The AH should be a small part of the game. Time break ALL AH addons. You don’t need to make 10 tokens a month to fuel your Hearthstone or Diablo Immortal Gacha addiction.

Is there a UI glitch for sold items disappearing in the Auctions tab before the 1hour mail time?
Bank alt has a stack of glyphs up on the AH and sold 5 of them (saw them listed in the Auction tab with the hour countdown), hopped a few toons doing something came back and no longer show though the total of the stack was down the correct number.

comment on wowhead say otherwise. THe rarest is the pummle liscense, or whatever. People saying 5000 attempts to get all teh pieces.