Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

Could it be a hardware bottleneck? Does scanning the AH with TSM hit the CPU heavily like it does when it building cache?

You can take TSM from my cold dead clammy hands. Anyways, I doubt it would help. Someone would just make a new one. And if Blizzard disables the ability to interface with the AH we have probably have the tech now to just “brute force” it with AI and such.

Agree. All of it. I cannot buy a single thing without it simply poofing into the ether because it was cancelled or snatched up by bots or with undercutting addons. The AH is so slow and closed constantly.

Put on your big boy pants Blizzard! Disable AH addons. Make everyone on equal footing.


This really explained well, what I have never seen before… every purchase I tried to make on herbs at the lowest price kept saying that’s no longer available over and over… and then I ended up buying a mass of herbs unintentionally…

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FIX THE Auction House PLEASE


Thank you for proving why TSM needs to be banned. It clearly lets you do more than you could do by yourself.

People who say Auctioneer and Auctionator also do this have never used them. All that does is help simplify menus.

I am guessing there is a new AH addon, and those benefiting from it want the competitor (TSM) broken. If it is a new AH addon, this would explain the DDOS style rapidfire baiting.

The solution is simple: if you post something, you cannot unpost it. It has to run the duration.

I love how snarky your reply was, but when immediately challenged on it here.

You remain quiet. Shocker.

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My guess is the Point Blank Sniper / Auctionator addon which hasn’t received the same throttling as TSM. There’s a “refresh” button that can be used as many times per sec as it can be clicked.

I am a goblin who has used these mods a lot, and it blows my mind how many more requests Auctionator is allowed compared to the others. I personally would be fine with more restrictions on this. It’s getting out of hand.

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The problems with AH cannot be just people using it properly. I was trying to buy mats at reasonable prices. People were spamming super low priced mats. there was no way people were doing that by hand because who would come in at half or a quarter when it gives you a price. we are not talking about people just trying to move items. this was consistent a few prices at say a third of price. then when that was gone another small stack listed and repeat. Other sellers were falling for this and listing their massive stacks of mats to match these low prices. I would think those low price large stacks are automated posting.

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While TSM is definitely THE addon for Transmog flips, Auctionator/Point Blank is definitely the one people are using to reset/snipe trade goods at lightning speed. That’s what everyone in the goblin discords has been using. It’s an unfair advantage 100%


Break all 2 and change the api


FIX the AH by ALLLOWING people TO buy…

…from row #7.

17,009 items @ 122g


buy orders would pretty much solve all the AH problems

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This is happening to me right now. Finally managed to get profession equipment crafts going and all the items I posted never showed up on the AH. They’re just gone.

Isn’t the best solution just changing whatever code would break the auction addons?


…AH does still not work.

The AH is definitely not “UP” if folks are buying gear that states is “level 70” and when it shows up in your mailbox, it turns out to be level 80. Please mention this issue and what is being done to fix it quickly and make it known to the community so that no one else loses their hard-earned gold…


The 80 greens are bugged and show up in search as level 70 items no matter what restrictions you put on the search. You have to just know the item levels have requirements and scroll past them currently.

They also show up when you restrict rarity even above green. The AH apparently thinks these pretend 70 actually 80 greens are also rare and epic items as well.

Even TSM search can’t seem to properly tell what these items are. They defy TSM advanced search restrictions as well.


I appreciate the communication in acknowledging the issue. Thank you!