Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

Could someone from Blizzard please explain what the goal of these changes is? Why is a marketplace that doesn’t function correctly in anyone’s benefit?

The players who will most suffer from this change are casual players who will see the price of goods increase as the market becomes less efficient.

To the extent that there is a real problem, the fixes need to come from core changes on a systems and implementation level for the in-game AH. And they should be communicated to players in advance.

I’d love to understand what lead the team at Blizzard to believe that breaking the auction house so that it functioned as if it were unresponsive and glitchy would help improve the economy?


Please revert this change. This is complete bullsh*t and has ruined the Auction House for me, and I’m only someone who uses it once a day.


You understand that if people aren’t able to make the items you want to buy available to you, then prices tend to go up or items simply are not available for you to buy right?


Are you expecting pet sellers to individually post and price over 300 pets. You know how many hours that would take without an addon? As it is cancel scans on tsm haven’t been working for ages and if anything is toxic on the ah it is when we used to cancel scan to just undercut and that already wasn’t working.


So how long before a second shadow auction house is built over addon channels?

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Gonna link my original post here for visibility as to how this negatively affects the average user and the economy as a whole: Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16 - #82 by Powerworduwu-wyrmrest-accord

And with that, I’d like to propose two potential solutions based on the discussions here.

Solution 1: Buy Orders
This was a hot topic on the revamp post for the PTR. Buy Orders are extremely beneficial to average users by allowing them to set their own price and let the economy naturally favor them. They also allow very casual players that want to sell goods but struggle to compete due to lack of time/interest in monitoring the price to guarantee quick and easy sales at a price they are happy with.

For enhanced convenience and ease of use, posting items at or below the highest Buy Order without actively using the Buy Order interface automatically triggers the sale, and vice versa.

  • Performance Gain: Fewer Auction House searches overall. People can set their prices and forget them. People can still search and buy like usual when they have a fuzzy idea of a reasonable price.
  • Average User Benefit: Convenient purchases and sales. Buy Orders are a no-brainer in an MMORPG economy in 2020.
  • Economic Benefit: More goods and gold change hands. Listing prices are naturally stabilized.

Solution 2: Throttle Cancellations
If some sort of throttling is absolutely necessary, then limit it to cancellations. The average user uses item cancels for the purpose of undoing a mistakenly listed item, or occasionally relisting a handful of high-value goods. Mass-cancellations are a goblin-only tactic.

Mass-cancellations also translate directly into mass-posts. People with items they are mass-posting also often have a stash of items that are rarely undercut and thus does not need to be cancelled (or scanned for). TSM in particular allows you to select groups to scan for cancels and posts - those low-competition items can easily be omitted by cancel scans for those users so that the throttling minimally affects them, and their cancel scans are less detrimental to the servers.

  • Performance Gain: Fewer cancellations means fewer reposts. This is a significant net reduction in overall Auction House traffic without affecting the total number of goods available.
  • Average User Benefit: They are completely unaffected by the throttling change. Also, with fewer cancellations across the board, item prices remain steady longer unless there is actually more competition in terms of total players trying to sell an item. Average users have more room to compete in a system they feel is inaccessible due to the current “cancel-scan” paradigm.
  • Economic Benefit: The total breadth of posted goods remains unchanged. Players would not be deterred to post low-demand items such as transmog or old-world materials because they would not be throttled for doing so.

So all these replies and the devs cant even make responses… its kind of ridiculous that we spend so much money on this game doing what we enjoy paying your salaries and we aren’t even allowed to do something that we enjoy doing? not everyone plays the game to raid or pvp…Also Majority of players use DBM for raiding. is this going to be taken away from them??? gladius for pvp??? how come gold farmers are being targeted???


Like many in this thread, a larger portion of my WoW experience is derived in the making of gold. I would agree with many of the sentiments here in saying this has been a negative change. While this may be focused at a minority of players, I would likely bet that many servers adhere to the Pareto Principle in terms of their supply chain. This should be taken into effect when making changes that negatively impact the minority in my opinion.


This fix seems excessively heavy handed. Trying to reduce the amount of cancel scanning and rapid undercutting I can understand to a point. But this makes posting significant numbers of auctions nearly impossible. I don’t cancel scan continuously, but I do post a large amount of auctions at one time due to transmog and pets. The new fix means those posts will now take immensely more time for little return. This will be unlikely to stop the most hardcore undercutters, but it will negatively affect anyone that posts more than a few auctions at a time.


Because the dev that let this through’s blood has just run cold and they’re trying not to fill their pants.
They’re wondering what they’ll tell their boss, not what to tell us.


Let’s be realistic, the dev that did it was told what changes needed to be made and did so. It’s not just one dude sitting in a room on a laptop making decisions on his own.

Someone further up the chain here is to blame.


So I use TSM. I might not be that much of a goblin, but I still use it to post cool transmogs I find and other things which is so slow that isn’t worth it.

Yes, sure, TSM causes an “unfair advantage” over other people but you can pretty much say that about literally every single other addon if someone doesn’t have it downloaded.

From DBM and GTFO, to Hedd and Gathermate/Handynotes, to RareScanner and NPCScan, to PvP Addons to help know who is a healer or how long a tower is close to being capped. All of these give an “unfair” advantage over people that don’t use them.

The fact that my partner, an AH Goblin who mainly just posts up all the crafted gear he makes through all of his toons, now cannot rightfully put up his items without investing even more hours into it, is bad enough. I can’t imagine the people that have fun with transmog farming to sell having any fun with posting up 100s of auctions in their time playing.

Because whether you like it or not, people enjoy goldmaking. They post things. Sure it is annoying to get undercutted and having to repost your auctions to fix that but thats really up to individuals to deal with, not setting up something so extreme that cuts out even the casual players of the AH.

What were you thinking?


They’re trying to blame the AH for the games laggy-ness not the insane amount of corruption procs and RNG.


I don’t have anything constructive to add that someone hasn’t already shared, so I’ll just say this: stop making the game harder for your customers to play. It’s a GAME.


This is a very well thought out example of useful compromises to the problem. Hope Blizz gives this a look.


They’re trying to stop you from making gold too mate.


This has to be the worst idea i have ever seen come near the AH, Like its going to destroy so many market that its gonna be pointless to sell anything on the AH. Really no reason to limit it at all… the AH takes its cut of gold when items are sold and when posting the items so there is a solid gold sink in the game… Why limit it. a lot of the player base play the game now too make gold and farm items to keep interested in the game after completing the content…


This is a horrible change. Please revert. Should not be punishing players that want to make gold.


Using the WoW UI with click, post, it works fine, like clockwork. 40 items in 40 seconds Using TSM 148 xmog in bags. 8 min to scan, 4 mins to post 115 items. The game is ruined for me. The math is there you did not level the playing field. You just made it so if you are using an add on it is impossible to use the AH now. You do know there is such a thing as a gold making community? The problem is not the people who were already using the AH to make gold. The problem was your announcement at removing the 5 MILLION GOLD mount. Of course now your entire player base is trying to get it and it is the influx of more people into the AH that is causing whatever problems you think are there.


Blizzard has made significant changes to throttle Auction House activity, on the basis that using addons is harming the game. TSM Sniper has been disabled in the hope that Blizzard responds to requests to engage in discussion on how the TSM Team can contribute to improving the Auction House for everyone