Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

I don’t use AH addons and I’m so upset about this change that I’m taking the time to scroll through this thread to Like every single critical comment.


are you going to heavily trim profession bloat because of these changes? Hitting the limit just posting current glyphs / enchants / normal things.

Current throttle limit is around 20 postings with TSM.


Well I did keep track. I have made over 10 million gold in 14 months of using the AH. And that means… other players wanted 10 million gold worth of my items… and that’s bad… why? I’m missing the problem here.

And that’s also when you destroyed professions (was far more fun and easy to make gold in WoD and Legion than BfA, let me tell you)…

I also helped keep the price very low on everything I sold, because of the competitive posting. And that’s bad… because?

And working the AH has kept me interested through content droughts and otherwise features I didn’t like (island expeditions, war fronts, horrific visions - meh). And that’s bad because…


I think you hit the nail on the head with both points.


… I think it’s been said elsewhere but - this kind of change is going to penalize the ordinary player base more than the goblins (who are rich enough and determined enough to buy multiple accounts to post on). I… get your desire to ensure that a small portion of the population doesn’t have millions of gold while others don’t but… I’m really not sure this is a good solution (and doesn’t confront problems like, say, multi boxing and making 8.2 resources so important in 8.3 creating an artificial scarcity)


This is is an incredibly poorly thought out change, and it’s insane that it was made without communicating anything to players.

I am not clear on who this change is intended to benefit. It will break the game economy as the buying and relisting of items is what often helps to drive prices down and maintain an efficient in-game market.

The only reasonable course of action would be to immediately revert this change, and then start a discussion with the community about what problem it was intended to fix, and then give clear communication about the steps Blizz will take over time so that the community can prepare and react appropriately.


Exactly this.

In the professional world, well-developed APIs not only have throttling but document it and tell you, on a call by call basis, how much of that limit you’re using and have left, and when you hit the limit, how much time you should wait before making another call.

Also, if someone finds a use-case your API does not cover such as batch/bulk calls, it’s usually a good idea to add such support so that your users can safely and effectively use your API.


True I use TSM to log what I send over to other characters, and it helped a bit with consolidation of reagents on those characters. Also need to get it to setup gold tracking, but I already use accountant classic for that. It deserves to stay for those points alone cause it has a wide array of functions. Just needs to be toned down on the AH side.

I like addons, I just like to be aware when ones require other players to have them.

Do you honestly expect us to believe this is because what’s been fine for 15 years suddenly isn’t? I didn’t even use TSM until a month ago… turned my measly 500k into a million and was hoping to get there and get a longboi and be done with it, but now you want me to drop hundreds of dollars buying tokens so I can get the mount and say its because “I was taking advantage of something?” Please. You just won’t more $$$ blizzard. Get rid of this nonsense.


That’s the way thoughtful and productive developers behave. You are talking about Blizzard. Thoughtful development takes a back seat to punishing it’s subscribers.


This hotfix is complete garbage what year is this 1985? If you cant handle the que from AH addons then IMPROVE the AH dont punish the player base because of you poor coding.


The blatant cause of this change is so apparent that Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves. When you reduce the number of goblins posting items on the AH you create a false demand and false low supply. This will cause the cost of items to increase and given how Blizzard has been clamping down on gold making throughout BFA this will push people towards purchasing a WoW token.

I was attempting to post items on the AH earlier manually, no TSM or other addon involved, and I was constantly having to reload to post items. This truly is a sad day and a terrible preview of what’s in store for Shadowlands.


Buy orders would fix a lot of the problems of the AH. Xmog sellers wouldn’t have to relist 3,000 things a day if we could place buy orders.

Also, 25?! This game is 15 years old, farming anything gives far more than 25 items. 100? 500? something more reasonable.

Why weren’t we warned about this? We could have given feedback? Surprises like this are really disrespectful.


Yeah I’m feeling really violated that this is looking more and more like a thinly veiled cash grab at the end of their expansion.


No thats just bad sharding.

So…if you sell glyphs, for example, “your problem” right? There is 60+ glyphs on game. Its ridiculous.

Even if you dont abuse on post/undercut, you will have problems to post.

Revert this. You can’t even fix Tol Dagor and want to change this? Every person that use some addon have advantage over another person.

To think you are paid to work and say some nonsense.


You want feedback? Get better servers. This is an absurd, punishing change to a problem YOU created. This is the AH equivalent of limiting the amount of players that can be in Ashran rather than just figuring out why Ashran is an insane lag-fest.

Figure out why your servers slow down to frames per minute when more than 10 people are fighting before you punish AH scanners. Make gold more easily obtainable passively rather than making an entire expansion dedicated to deflation and then wondering why people take to the AH to make gold in droves. This is like playing whack-a-mole with players in terms of economic punishment after economic punishment. “Here’s something really expensive we’re making unobtainable. No, don’t make gold like that. No, not like that.”

This decision is an extreme overreaction to a bit of lag people were experiencing on the AH and seems REALLY suspect in timing. Are you trying to get people to just buy tokens? Do you want to see the economy die? For some people, the economy IS the game and you are killing it for them. This is going to lead to panic-dumping of materials, crashing prices of crafted items, and a completely dead economy by the end of the expansion. Perhaps this is your intention. There is no reason for the amount of lag players experience in all aspects of the game and the solo-player driven content other than intent.


24hr cancel scan campers need dealt with, but this is waaaaay to broad in who it’s targeting. I think the system just needs some sort of ratcheting cost towards those who insist on “owning” markets 24hrs via cancel scan-undercutting.

Solution: AH posting tokens. A token grants you posting access for 1hr. You start each daily reset with two tokens. Additional tokens may be purchased through the ah interface for 100g for your first, 1000g for a second, and 10000 for a third and so on.

You can cancel and purchase items without using a token.
Tokens are server based Bnet-Account limited (no extra posting tokens for multiboxers). Every server you are on you start each day with two tokens.

People who feel the need to camp the AH can only do so for 3-4 hours at a time before incurring exponentially increasing posting fees. People who post a buttload of tmog everyday can still do so.

Players should not be punished for posting a lot of different items up or for running one or two cancel scans in a day.

Players should be discouraged from running cancel scans 12hrs a day effectively shutting out entire markets for players that don’t have a spare account or job/occupation that lets them camp the ah. The Auction house is there to be used, the current fix just makes it miserable for anyone trying to get the Brutosaur and feels more miserable than getting undercut 2 minutes after posting by a cancel-scan camper.

This is completely unacceptable Kaivax!

I demand you allow me to upvote this post multiple times!


Agreed. They’ve adopted almost a hostility towards their players over the years. It’s really sad, especially given how much people love this game despite Blizzard.