Auction House Much Slower Today - June 16

RIP My 2400+ Auctions


I am not happy with these changes. I like that instead of addressing the rampant bot problem in this game blizzard instead decides to focus on something completely different while ignoring the real problems. How many reports and videos do people have to post for blizzard to take action. There are literally tens of thousands of bots farming zin’anthid and other BFA materials. The amount of bots and auto clickers in all the BFA farms is annoying. The bots that still do older dungeons for raw gold coupled with the fact that so many are just farming raw gold in suramar and now WoD. I have personally put in a handful of reports, talked to gms, and reported players and it feels like blizzard is doing nothing to combat them. These bots are hurting the games economy on a greater level than a few people running to many cancel scans. Why not just work on combating real problems instead of doing nothing. I know you love to claim you “ban in waves” but sadly that is not good enough and clearly doesn’t work.


I feel that a lot of people who play similarly have already written much better responses to this quick “fix”, but in all honesty it comes off as looking like they want to stifle gold farming gameplay, prevent players from earning their gold in the AH, and force people who really want to buy the long boi to do so with out of game currency. Throttling only makes this harder, and being someone who posts all the mog that my characters can’t use, it’s super frustrating, and I don’t sit and snipe the AH either, I’m pretty casual. If the add-ons are creating so much trouble why not code something better into the game to make them obsolete?


This is by far the worst thing you guys have ever done. Considering gearing an alt takes literally weeks if not months to do. And the only enjoyable thing I have in this game is to play the auction house and farm gold now makes this game even more unbearable. Please undo what should have never been done in the first place.


So multiboxing is okay… Cause it makes you money… But you know more tokens will be purchased since the AH will be so terrible to use for anyone who makes gold from it regularly. We see you. Cancelled my extra accounts already, lets see if this is still enjoyable much longer.

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Can we admit that the “small minority of all players generate the majority of auction house traffic” is due to the mutiboxers and the fact they drive down the economy and not punish thos who actually work hard are being punished here for no real reason.


I have already posted my strong dislike of this change and have been liking all the posts of people coming after me. I do not come to the forums often and do not know when they changed this, but I just got the message I am about to exhaust my likes for the day! Really?! When did this become an issue?


By the light, who the heck even wants a Brutosaur after this? With an AH this trashed, I’d rather sit on my 5mil than waste it on a mount that only gives access to a trash AH.

Also. I wonder if they realize that this crashes their token system. A lot of players that currently afford WoW via tokens get a lot of their income from the AH, and would refuse to do so via farming emissaries etc. These people will be less able to afford WoW, and many will just not play.

People selling tokens, will have fewer people to sell to, meaning a lower token price. That along side the higher price for AH items this may result in, means that raiders and M+ playrs would have to sell many more tokens to afford the same goods. How many guilds are going to be comfortable doubling the amount of cold hard $$ they spend on tokens each month?

Sure a new equilibrium will be reached, but with far fewer token sales for Blizz at the end of the day.


Since this change essentially slows down the auction posting process, making it more inconvenient for players to sell things, is Blizzard prepared for the possibility of certain markets shrinking or perhaps even coming close to disappearing entirely?

More slow-selling things like legacy gear for transmog or battle pets might not be worth people’s time to post anymore. Is Blizzard planning to take steps to mitigate this, such as extending the maximum auction duration?

Seems like such a shame that so shortly after introducing the new and improved auction house, it’s been kneecapped so badly it might actually be worse than what we had before.


They pay for subs too, so it is unlikely they will actually do anything about it.

So, because I use every profession daily, and post my crafted items, (around 350+ items crafted daily, meanwhile they usually start stacking up) I’m going to have a throttled speed because I use an addon to help me manage 2 inventories full of items I want to list? But yet you guys are okay with multi-boxing? Any addon is a “competitive advantage” as in why so many people use DBM, it takes away the actual thought process for a fight. This is honestly just unacceptable.

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The specifics of this change were very poorly thought out. The budget is currently very, very low.

Glyphs are a good example of this throttle very, very adversely affecting players. Whereas an Alchemist may only be monitoring a handful of potions and flasks to sell, along with perhaps the herbs that they use to craft them, a Scribe must monitor much much more. There are literally hundreds of glyphs that scribes craft and maintain, then you have the inks you use to craft them, the pigments you use to craft those inks, and the hers you use to craft those pigments.

Running a successful and legitimate glyph business means monitoring every single one of these, determining the profitability of what to craft, making the appropriate purchases, doing the appropriate crafts, and posting the appropriate results. This could be done in fewer API calls if the API’s were better suited for running this kind of analysis, but they are not, so it requires a substantial number of calls. Hundreds of them.

When considering your budget, please simply consider the very, very simple use case of a scribe wanting to post 1 of every kind of glyph on the auction house. If that simple, legitimate action cannot be done without hitting the throttle, then the throttle is too low. This has nothing to do with getting a competitive advantage, it just has to do with the fact that there are hundreds of glyphs in the game, so it takes hundreds of calls to post them.


I wonder how many people will completely cancel their accounts and stop playing over this because a lot of people spend a lot of time enjoying the game of market on AH. Ah blizzard, segregating your community…


camping the goblin auctioneer to check token price btw

Please reverse this change.

I don’t have anything new to add more than what people have said already.

The auction house minigame keeps me playing when content gets old. I am willing to work to buy the things I want from people who are willing to sell them.
Not everyone has the time to craft the things they want before raid time. Let us folks who enjoy doing it continue to do so without throttling our time.
You put a 5 million dollar mount in the game, how would you expect people to earn a mount like that?

The gold making community are a helpful bunch of folks that make the game better, not worse for others.

Please work with TSM and the community to find a way to make this work for Blizzard and the player base.

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I dont think it should matter if they are paying for a sub or not, its the fact that through their actions they are not impacting a few thousands players they are impacting millions. Look at the price of zin on some of the EU realms. Some places it was down to sub 5g each the other day. By not addressing real problems in the game they are just making them worse as time goes on.

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I’m just checking in to echo the sentiment of this post. I started my gold making journey due to the announcement that the longboi was being removed and getting hit with this during this time feels a bit like a slap in the face for no good reason.


Their Q2 earnings report is coming out real soon (usally shortly after june for q2) and they are trying to bump up their micro transaction numbers.

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Im coming from the perspective of someone who hasn’t played wow since the end of cata so I do not know of the “new AH” that Blizzard has been implementing. What are some of the new things in the AH that is broken

To the people applauding this change thinking it will get them better prices, if you live on a medium or higher pop realm, TSM is what allowed your goods to quickly reach optimal prices. People can efficiently post and undercut with TSM. Items that aren’t stackable (like rare tmog or collectibles) are now going to become even more rare due to sellers being more reluctant to post their supply. This change hurts buyers and sellers.