Auction house is dead to me now

Blizz already said this would be next.

So it’s not just the small realms seeing decreases? Honestly if you’re not a gold farm/hoarder this is a good thing for most people. You can buy what you need for much cheaper. If you had any gold at all, you just became much richer. Gold value is tied to what it can get you. It now can get you a lot more than before. I

I literally bought all of the potions I need for the rest of the patch for 10,000 gold. A number that would have cost me 10x that for a few weeks of play. The people claiming they need to buy tokens now is confusing for me. The gold you already have will go a lot farther?

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We didn’t have ridiculous prices before we were under the market value on goods according to Undermine Journal. The problem is 3 high pop servers (maybe more thats just what I can see) got merged with ours so everything crashed to nothing so gathering is a dead profession.


I think for small realms the big deal is availability.

They say a lot of things. Do you think this will happen before or after we get cross faction guilds? Or dance studio?

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lmao…Northrend Engineering items were THOUSANDS to craft yesterday…today theyre HUNDREDS with the lower mat prices.
loving it.

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Prices are already so low I stopped bothering a long time ago.

I actually … use flasks i make…!



“the auction house is closed at the moment.
Please try again later”


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i was going to post a bug about that but then i saw a report that makes me go “oh ok thats why they shut it down”

great job not testing things again blizz

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seemed like it was actually working fine…what was the problem?

message now reads " The Auction House is Closed" huh?

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go read the bug report forum, the one about canceled auctions

it happened to me too. this is insane

Well that explains why I got such great returns on auctions today lol. Wonder how they plan on removing that gold…

Then you need to adjust your farming plan.

My #1 tip: don’t farm things that 60 zillion other people are farming. Think outside the box.
#2 tip: make things that sell well all the time and that are made by buying those consumables that are now dirt cheap.

= making shirtloads of gold.

Problem is everyone in North America is going to be doing that. The pool is just too large what really needs to be done is merging only low pop servers.


My guess is that it will even out over time. People will say exactly that: my herbs are worthless, so I’ll stop farming them and go do something else, like raw gold farming. And as the numbers drop, the price will gradually slide back up again, and it will be and ebb and flow thing.

With a very large buying market there will always be customers, but the prices will be determined by the quantity available.

The truth about the Auction House being down has just been leaked!

Here’s the video proof of what happened with the region wide commodities:

That poor AH server hamster! RIP little buddy!

/moo :cow:

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you can use the AH? I’m getting an error right now :\

what happened to /1 and /3 one of them was defense chat???

Just do your Emissaries on a couple of characters. Take out one or two, do all three in a go. Then the next day do all three on another character. Next day, next character. Cycle back to the first. Enjoy rolling around in your piles of gold from the junk in the emissary chests, about 1500g worth a day for each one, plus occasionally a bonus rep chest with even more gold.

No reliance on the AH market. Tons of gold. Much better profit to time invested ratio.

Alternately, take the cheap mats and use a crafting profession to turn it into something that will sell. Reagents are shared regionwide, other stuff isn’t.

You’re half right in a sense, it is on the people, but also (ahem, allow me to do my best Bellular impression) this changes everything. Look into the principle of Perfect Competition, which is what we now have in a Cross faction AH world (of warcraft)

The prices will not “mellow out” or “even out” over time as a lot of people on this forum are speculating, instead they will default to the lowest regional price. WTBGold has a great YouTube video on this that you should check out if you’re really interested in the ramifications of this change.