Auction house is dead to me now

Im a gatherer during downtime and prices are dumbly low now on everything

Thanks blizzard for ruining my professions


Heres the “we told you so” to all the dumb people who claimed “thats not how it works”


Funny. Prices in my realm actually went up.


I enjoy low costs on materials :slight_smile:


It seems at the moment the AH is returning gold.
Wonder how quickly Blizzard will yank back that extra gold.

I wasn’t making much just enough for a token a month now thats done. Everything is down stuff that was going 10 -20 gold each are now 1 gold or lower. Gathering is now a dead profession.


The market is over saturated this late into the Xpac save perhap for low pop servers. Some stuff is selling for less then they’d get from a vendor!

Come DF launch everything will be pie in the sky once more.


I was sort of shocked yesterday when I was trying to level herbalism on an alt - my server was completely swarming with gatherers in every zone I visited nabbing everything within seconds of it spawning. It didn’t look like bots either. Don’t know if people were stalking up expecting prices to got up rather than down or if everyone was in the same boat I was and we all had the same idea to top up the profession on the same day.

In hindsight, I suppose I should have asked in chat about it.

i dont get it why would it change anything?

it’s on the people if anything lol

It’ll be funny when heaps of people return for DF. They actually need to restrict the number of items you can buy/sell per day per account so you don’t have these ultra millionaire players just buying out 100,000 flasks and then sitting there for days posting them higher and buying out anyone who undercuts them. It’s going to happen.


give it a few days for everything to mellow out


I love it when they do that but forget to buy out all of the mats required to craft them. Super easy way to make lots of cash.

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I hope it’s flooded so quickly that it’s impossible to keep up with without constant unending attention. I wish they would action people using AH addons too. Level the playing field for us filthy causals


Ghost iron ore is up to 10 gold per ore atm; on my full pop realm it had been around 5 gold since I started paying attention to ghost iron ore prices two months ago

I’m on a super dead realm, so all prices are down for me 40-70% The bigger realms will probably see small price increases while the dead ones will see major price cuts.


i thought they were connecting all AHes but ppl are still talking about “on my realm”

i guess i got it wrong from the start.

I just use TSM to post stuff faster and leave it. :frowning:

I post everything for 48 hours because lazy af. I still make oodles of gold without babysitting anything.


so what exactly has changed with the AH ?
Sorry…I dont keep up with current events

All AH across all realms are now one big auction house. Horde, alliance, all realms, all connected. It’s flooded the market and prices have dropped.

Edit: Some people are saying it’s just mats and consumables.


So everyone in the entire game is posting stuff that I can see and buy now? Well mats and crap ?