Auction House forces you to buy undercut items?

That’s different. We’re talking about undercutting by a little here.

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What you just is a regulated economy…mot free market.

Or they can buy your mats and sell your stuff?

I can only imagine their econ class came with support puppies and participation grades, lol.

I mean either way the sellers don’t get he full amount. Auction house takes a cute and posting cut as well.

TBF that’s exactly how people shop for gas. If you buy 12 gallons of gas that is 1 cent cheaper, you just saved 12 cents. If you buy gas that is 5 cents cheaper, you just saved 60 cents over what you would have paid at the other guy.

It adds up when something is per gallon.

Yeah, I get it. Times are sometimes tough for people financially, but if you’ve got extra bucks to throw away and you’d rather give them to someone who isn’t being a jerk, why not do that? Just a rhetorical question, really.

As I said, it’s a matter of preference.


The point was though, that if you really want to buy from someone who didn’t undercut by 1copper, 1 silver, 50 silver, you would’ve had to sort by the price, and go to page 25 of said item, because that’s how many people undercut by measly amounts. The only time you did not find this type of undercutting was amongst the people throwing it up for ridiculous amounts.

I suppose that’s reasonable for stacked items, but the new AH fixes that. Even now I still sometimes see undercuts when I click on one item. It only sometimes shows separate sellers for me.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But others are entitled to theirs, so there is no ‘end of story’.

Personally, I am not fussed on the new Auction House for many of the reasons already mentioned. I liked the old one. I enjoyed scrolling thru all the listings. It was part of my normal gameplay. (And yes, I do the same thing on ebay.) Now, without that entertainment value, I only visit it when I have no choice.

I certainly don’t do that, when I post an auction I usually undercut by at least 5-10%, and that’s just cause I want the item gone from my inventory so I price it to sell fast. I’m not someone who obsesses over playing the AH, I just list my random loot every 1-2 weeks to empty my bags.

Sometimes I simply don’t want to buy from somebody because of their name. Call me petty, but I uphold the naming rules of this server.

This feature also forces me to buy from, if selling, people who have been abusive toward me.
In that case… I opt for not buying the item at all. Which is disappointing.


I dont think this is true…it does default to only showing you the lowest price ones but if you click on the item it gives you the whole list of sellers. At least it did for me. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Holy crap, did this really deserve a freaking thread. I can’t believe how petty some people are. Like is your life so tranquil to the point you need to complain of a system that forces you to buy cheaper items just out of some messed up sense of relf rightousness.

Go out, have a drink or something.ffs

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After solving world hunger, stopping global warming, ending all wars, and curing all disease, I have turned my attention to the next most pressing problem.

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Ikr, “this system is making me buy stuff from an undercutting jerk, waaaaaahhhh”.

“Eeeew i dont like this person’s name so i don’t wanna buy from them”

People like this have skin so thin they’ll dissolve by getting hit with air.

You are describing eBay, not a free market system.

Have you and Metrohehaw entered into a competition to see who can be the most obnoxious MVP or something?

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There was nothing obnoxious about his post. Seriously, crying over somebody undercutting by a silver is 15x more obnoxious. Byuk pointing out the silliness of the complaint is valid.


Honestly, I think the complaint stems more from the lack of agency to choose to do that, than the actual 1 silver. It’s not game breaking or ruining for me, but I did have a slight “aww” moment in that I can’t show loyalty to my usual herb seller on the AH when someone decides to undercut them lol.

Or, have moments where I’m like, hrm, pay 100 more gold for this item, or buy it form DRAGONXNINJA, I’ll pay the extra 100 gold fam.