Auction house changes, yay or nah?

I’d love a longer time. I don’t sit there and watch my items I list and I’d love to be able to set and forget for a week.

The thing is… They make more money off wow token buyers… because the token price is $5 more than the sub… It just doesn’t make sense :frowning:

Not a fan of that person one bit either.

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Perhaps make it so that you have to pay more for posting longer also, that way people who cancel and undercut would lose money instead of making money. Perhaps that would encourage player to post and leave it up until it expires?

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That doesn’t sound “normal” to me. It’s an AUCTION house, made for auctioning off goods in real-time.

It sounds like what you want is a feature that is not the Auction House. Abusing the AH to do something it wasn’t intended for is on you - maybe adjust your expectations of what items should and shouldn’t sell.

Additionally, if there’s enough demand for it, you should push for consignment functionality, rather than putting your junk up on the AH which is primarily designed for smaller, rapid transactions.

How is it abusing when this is how the AH has been since the begining. How is that not normal. Just because you play the game one way doesn’t make another wrong.


No one is going to dedicate time to selling transmog if they’re limited to 80. The typical transmog item sell rate is under 1% per day. Most days, you wouldn’t sell a thing. The serious transmog folks put up many hundreds or even thousands of items then come back later to see what sold. If they now have to spend more hours doing it (2,000 items @8 seconds = 4-5 hours to post scan then post everything), they’re probably not going to bother. For transmog, I’m guessing the result will be far higher prices, and far fewer items.


This. So much this.

The AH has been this way since release day in 2004.

It has never been intended to serve in the bizarre, highly-restricted fashion Sentenza is rambling on about.


How is posting transmog items once a day abusing the auction house in any way? Is it because I’m not playing the way you would like me to? Because I could do that with or without an addon. There is not, nor has there ever been, a limit on how many times I can post an item. You can call it abuse all you want, it’s how the game and AH are designed.

So your solution, then, would be to have me just not post these items? Disenchant them? Because “pushing for consignment functionality,” as you put it, will more likely than not get me absolutely nowhere, and you, and everyone like you, won’t be able to find the transmogs you want on the AH.


It would be nice if they could implement some functions of RuneScape’s Grand Exchange system without destroying the concept of an AH.

That’s the dumbest defense I’ve ever heard of “It’s not abuse if you can do it”. It’s literally only abuse if you can do it.

Using add-ons to list hundreds of times and repeatedly cycle them back on over and over and over is obviously not intended. When 2 days is considered a “very long” / extreme amount of time for an item to stay on the market place, it’s pretty obvious it was never, EVER intended for the same item to be posted hundreds of times. Why do you think the AH keeps your deposit if an item fails to sell? That deposit should be hurting you financially. It sounds like that’s what they need to address. What you are doing is straight up wrong, and instead of thinking you should do it… Blizzard should punish you for doing, and make it impossible for you to do it. If what you want to do has enough demand, a different system should exist.

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From what I understand about the problem is that people cancel/repost constantly to stay the lowest so their items sell before the ones that listed after them with lesser costs. If that’s actually the case, then yes, it is a good change because the normal AH person who just wants to sell their items will have the majority returned to them instead of selling since they are undercut almost as soon as they are posted for sale by the automated scanning programs.

Note I said with or without an addon. You seem to have missed that point.

However, by definition, using the game’s functions to play the designed game is not abuse. Assuming anything else is simply obtuse.


That was just a random number.

It needs to hit the cancel/posters that sit there all day, not someone who posts 1-2 times a day

Up until yesterday, I never had a real issue with the AH. Sure, each action takes a bit longer than on 8.2, but it was bearable. Take into account that posting with the default UI has been impossible since 8.3 was released due to the ‘wait 3-5 seconds and post’ situation.

I am unaware what exactly where you observing these past few days, but maybe consider that not every realm was affected. I’m on high pop and was never affected. I was in the 8.3 AH craze during the raid and had zero issues cancelling and reposting, even several times per night during raid nights.

Then, consider what the actual issue is, and tackle that. Is your hardware lacking? Is the software performing undertuned functions? Putting a throttle, no matter the threshold, is simply putting a band-aid that will inconvenience more people than you can think when you are applying the measure.

If you have gotten this far and you still do not see an issue with the above, then consider where this “problem” is coming from. If you did your due diligence in gathering information, you should have a good idea by now. Most people on this thread and others seem to think it’s because of constant cancel scanners. I shudder to think that something as simple as a few people performing a cancel scan can bring down the server or cause lag for everyone, yet (as I have written before), I can hop on my flying mount and go from one end to the other of Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms without a hitch nor loading screen. But even if that is the case, even if it is absolutely 100% true that cancel scans ruin the game for everyone else, then ask yourself this:

Do we want to get rid of cancel scanning?

If the answer is yes, then simply remove the functionality and let’s be done with it. Goblins will adapt, we might go back to posting in small stacks and simply post over them when we’re undercut. If we’re out of stock, we will wait for the timer to expire on the auctions before continuing (or craft more, who knows).

If the answer is no, then work with your developers who, as I’ve said before, are as important as your gamers in order to devise a solution. It’s not hard to come up with a couple of bulk API calls, and it would improve the game for everyone if I can cancel and repost 100 items in 4 API calls instead of 400.

if you are still not satisfied with anything of the above, consider a longer-term goal of completely re-hauling the AH into a system of buy orders instead of sell orders.



If they were undercutting I’d be fine with it. However that’s not how it’s working. The last person in, at a specific price point sells first. That’s why the AH is getting hit so hard. People aren’t generally undercutting, they are listing at the same price so they are sold first. It’s the LIFO, last in first out, system.

I think a layered approach might be better to give “regular” users more flexibility but still limit the AH disruptions from the mass scans. They could have a short-term limit that was higher than their current expectation of use but also have a long term cap to keep usage from spiking too high.

As an example, they could make it so you can perform 100 actions/minute without getting throttled and 1000/day. Once you hit either cap, you get throttled until it resets.

Disclaimer: Numbers are made up for clarity. I’m not trying to say what is or isn’t reasonable.

Good. We don’t need people reposting 2000 items a day.

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So you’re fine with not having rarely sold items to purchase? Because it will limit the amount of items on the AH, and they will go up in price. Be prepared to pay considerably more.

*I should add, hope you weren’t planning on getting anything like the chewed-on reins of the terrified pack mule.


Yes. Hey, people could use trade chat if you’re looking for something.

MY GOD, using trade chat for trading? What a concept. :rofl: