Auction house changes, yay or nah?

So after this week’s ninja fixes to Runescape, our AH is now officially worse than the grand exchange in basically every way. Enjoy THAT factoid.

This is ridiculous… I try to keep up 300-400 auctions on the AH for mostly transmog items… and posting time to cancel scan them and relist them all has gone from about 30 minutes to almost 2 hours due to this change… and I only do that maybe once every 12-24 hours.

It should not take me almost 2 hours of time just to list things once or twice a day. Regardless of how many items there are… I’m not taking them down and relisting them every 10 minutes. But you’ve effectively prevented me from getting on my characters and actually enjoying the game because i have to sit on my AH alt for almost 4 times longer now just to post items i want to sell.

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Huge update just for this was bizarre. I dont mind but I noticed a few categories had much higher prices than yesterday. Good for my pockets.

Thank you very much Blizzard.

When I decided to try raiding, I hit nothing but drama and misery. It was so bad that I got depressed again. I tried m+ but its very stressfull and again my poor mental health forced me to take a step away from that. I’ve tried PvP but I just don’t enjoy it much, there are so many premades, and if I play alliance or horde doesn’t matter - I seem to only be in loosing matches. I’m not even that bad at PvP but yeh…

Goldmaking was just about the only thing I have left that I enjoy other than collecting. But my collection is very big, both, achievement points, pets, mounts, toys and transmog. I need gold to gather most of the vanity stuff I still need. I do not multibox and I do not cancel scan. I run old dungeons for transmog to sell + whatever else I get while doing so, also using some of the material I gather to craft stuff.

This is fun to me. But now I can’t enjoy that. I don’t have any reason to play, I am just a casual player without a purpose now… -_-’’ this has been my go to escape game since TBC release. I think for all these years there is a total of 7 months my account didn’t have a active subscription, and that was in 2013/2014 when I got a puppy.

I use TSM because it is honestly a nice addon. I love it, paired with loot appraiser for example its extra fun in dungeons, seeing what value I got when I finished my 10 runs is exciting, even if majority of that value went to the vendor, lol.

So thank you, Blizzard, for ruining a casual players fun. I hope you revoke this “fix” because robbing us off this because of a small amount of people is nothing but a lazy fix…

(Also I mainly play on EU so that is where the collection is xD)


Granted IT IS bad but not that bad come on now be realistic LOL

If working the AH this late in the xpac to make 5m gold, then you better off to quit now. As someone who has made TONS of gold off AH I know now is not best time to play AH.

I’ve been making several 100k a week prior to this selling TMOG and crafted stuff for most professions.
And I’m not starting from zero gold just now, been doing this for months.

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This throttle limit needs to be rolled back and we need to have a discussion about how much blizzard wants people to use the auction house. I can’t post my transmog and glyphs any more as it went from 30 minutes to approximately 2 hours. It is also affecting searches I have a list of approximately 1200 raw mats/items that that I search the auction house for every day and even that search is being slowed down to a crawl, a AH search. How is it exploiting to search for items on the ah that I want to use to craft and sell what I craft? Isn’t that the point of professions?


This is why Blizz should ban some add on’s.

You’re not allowed to make gold on the AH. If you want that sweet LIMITED Longboi, you better get cracking on that stimulus check and buy a thousand dollars worth of tokens. Did I mention the Longboi is going away in Shadowlands? BETTER BUY IT NAO!!!


TSM has been a thing for what? 10 years…? How is it a problem NOW?


This is rediculous, Blizzard you want feed back? Revert this completely. The AH is essentially unusable to post transmog, battle pets, large amounts of varying consumables and materials. This is not a change the player base wants at all majority or minority. It is affecting everyone negatively making the AH basically useless.


Doesn’t bother me at all, I quit using add ons a long time ago for ah.

I’m always for people giving proper feed back but honestly this is probably something that was uncalled for and or unforseen when they announced the bruto removal from vendor which prompted a HUGE influx of wannabe gold makers.

This is the torments situation.

I won’t give them feed back on this because this was a silly and unnecessary hot fix from my perspective. If they had their own reasoning then so be it but doesn’t mean I have to agree.

If cap is around 15-25. And they relax it… you are basically back at where you started.

Is this to combat the huge posting now that pretty stacking is gone? Maybe… Is this to combat ‘‘aggressive’’ posting…? Maybe.

This will slow down people and will have an adverse reaction.

While the sky isn’t falling, this is definitely another example of them trying to fix something that realllllly wasn’t an issue.

If you are a casual ah poster that just emptied bags, or did small things… let’s be real, it would never affect you in how the no-life ah’ers operated. Feels like master looter, torments, and many other decisions all over again :tired_face:

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I most agree with the AH changes. The limit is a little low, but the rest is fine.

The problem is that LIFO is that people will sit on the ah running cancel scans often enough to cause lag on the AH. This doesn’t seem a problem with low level auctions, but when you have high number of auctions that being post and cancel then the lag get unbearable.

Tmog, pets, and other slow moving items will go up in price as players pick their must post items on the AH.


On Area-52? That’s impressive even if not on that server.

I’m playing on EU, but this was a US-forum post that’s why I’m commenting from this one.

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Yeah honestly that was cancer. The “improvement” to the auction house is honestly a new reason I can’t speak fondly of this game over others. I hard dissaprove the throttling, it had made the brutosaur grind even more of a chore.

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Oh ok :sweat_smile:
Shoot, feel like EU are more gold-spend happy. lol

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This blows. Just blizzard time-gating another part of the game… ugh can they please stop. Especially after making the brutosaur time-limited this really does not sit well with me :rage:

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So people are complaining that they can’t automate the AH process anymore? Am I getting this right, because that’s how it feels.