And that’s also a problem, just sell at a low enough price, stop gouging customers.
yay, no more buying stacks for a few missing mats! Now if FFXIV would do this too…
No. Went from having a goal in a game to ending a sub in zero time flat. I’m a casual gold maker but it was still a fun and interesting pass time for me. Hopes and dreams of reaching the longboy before SL is now gone if this “fix” stays. No reason to keep playing if that’s the case. Stale content.
it’s not gouging, people undercut because they want THEIRS to sell.
most stuff on my server actually sells for less then the regional avg.
If continual full scan sniping by players seeking to profit off of arbitrage is the problem address that, rather than making the entire AH unusable. TSM has disabled sniping in the TSM addon today to address this. I don’t think Blizz is trying to discourage regular mass posting, but that uses the same API calls as the AH sniper tools which scan everything. Previously I believe there was a time throttle to limit to how often you could do a full AH scan, but that was removed with the AH redo. Now every item is a single API call. Maybe start with fixing sniping before you punish everyone.
I post vanity items like xmog, glyphs and collectibles which have a ton of items. The AH redo forced more cancel scans than prior to the redo because pretty stacking was removed (posting items in stacks of 3, 4 or 20 for example often led to higher price sales than items posted in singles).
People do really small undercut mostly because they want to keep the price high.
If you put a low enough price you won’t get undercut much.
The market won’t be better. Less competition will mean higher prices overall. Certainly not a way to appease those casual gamers.
You want to keep the price around where people are willing to pay. If you undercut greatly you’re just hurting yourself in the long run.
Price gouging doesn’t help anyone because no one will buy it (we see it all the time, if you track prices, someone will post something that sells for 50k for 120k, it’ll just sit there)
An easier fix would be just to break TSM and others like it.
The minimum amount of effort, for the minimum amount of results that impact normal players more than the people they’re trying to stop.
Traditional Blizzard fashion.
This change is ruining the AH for everyone. Hundreds of postings and now AH barely works.
Casual AH users are still ok right?
Less people playing the ah means also means nobody just buying the market and reposting it 30-40% higher which happens even on big servers.
You’re not hurting yourself you’re just making less money and giving customers better price.
They really think the avg person posting the the AH only post less than 20 items.
Hit throttling limit posting glyphs alone.
No, they’re not. You can post roughly 15 auctions (Scan, then post) before being affected by the limit, or manage 10 (scan, cancel, post). Any amount beyond that dramatically increases the amount of time spent at the AH.
if the point is to make money, making less money IS hurting yourself.
Hard nah from me on this. The AH is an old, archaic pos. That doesn’t mean they have to punish the people that use addons to compensate for that. This honestly just makes me pine more for GW2’s trade post back when I was going hard on that game. I dunno how it’s doing now or if it’d hold up under the kind of load WoW receives, but it seemed to function perfecty fine.
Well then you’re hurting your customers by making them spend more money.
Originally I appreciated your posts because you at least tried to present a non-sensationalist argument against TSM, but after reading a few more I think you have a very fundamental lack of understanding of economics.
This is super unhealthy for an economy, and yes, this logic applies to ordinary users too.
Your arguments are why we need Buy Orders, not downgrades to the UI.
Auction House addons have existed since at least 2006 when Auctioneer was released. There may have been ones before that.
Why is this an issue all of the sudden?