Auction House Automation

You cwan see the name of the seller. And it was / is the same person selling 5 identical items.


Somebody bid on the same bag as you.


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i agree, it shouldnt be too easy for everyone, wil just make prices go up

I went back to the AH, it was not there anymore - but the 4 other bags were. Why would anyone be so stupid to bid on the same bag with four more for a bit lower bid?
And as I looked the bag - or one just like it - was re-posted at the same cheap bid fairly high buyout by the very same seller.

If this had happened only once, I would have said the same as you do, but stubbornly I tried with the other four bags, and same - exact same - thing happened. I had my bid back, and the bags were not there, and then there again at the same pice, by the same seller.

Plus I had this very same thing happen again on another character with similar low-level items.

Now I had not enough money to buyout the auction, but I’m sure the seller wanted me to do exactly this.


The single best fix to the Auction House would be to remove the ability to cancel a listing once a bid has been placed.

so simple, yet not something the amazing Dev Team of incomprehensible talent can manage

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Yeah, I’ve seen it too, in regular Era though. Guild mates mentioned it as well.

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Hay, dont you dare remove those AH bots. I make my gold off winning their items off bids for copper then selling them for half market value, lol.

This has made about 30% of my total gold on HC so far XD.

Yes please!

But with a catch 22. You have 5 minutes to cancle regardless of a bid. We all mislist things now and then.


No. There is no "OOPS I CANT BELIEVE I ACCIDENTALLY LISTED THAT [ALCOR’S SUNRAZOR] FOR 100G INSTEAD OF 1000G" grace period (assuming a bid is placed).

Those aren’t bots.

Those are regular players who don’t understand how to use their AH addons.

Bots cancel their auctions with low bid prices before they expire.

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You should still be able to cancel an auction with a bid, but it should cost five gold.

You’re talking to a wall.

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For sake of argument, lets say you have found a bot. I fail to see why that blocks you from profit. List your stuff cheaper and it will sell. If the “bot” is selling for less than your mats can be vendored for, buy from the bot and vendor the stuff. If you just can’t sell for the price you think the stuff is worth, you are confused.

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People think they deserve a profit from every pot they produce, all the time.

You can’t just produce 500 Weak Troll’s Blood pots and think you’re going to clean up.

Scan the marketplace, look at what you can sell at a profit, produce a reasonable amount, list them, and the majority of the time you’ll sell them for a reasonable return.

If you can’t sell something at a profit, hold it until you can, or, cut your losses, sell/vendor them, and use that gold to make something you can profit from.

(I am agreeing with you, I just started to lecture, sorry. It wasn’t directed at you.)


do what now?

I am selling 20 firebloom for 87 gold. Like the RMT has gotten so far outta control the only fix is to reset literally everyones gold or wipe server clean.

I can buy out all the swifthistle in the ah and make tea and double the gold every single time because rogues are buying up the teas instead of making their own… Who does thi?

I make Heavy rune cloth bandages and they sell for 3x the price of the runecloth, its wild.

Yes. People have to adjust their expectations to the current market - - - Rather than resent and fume about the market not supporting their dream of riches.

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So there I was, fishing at the Stormwind fishing trainer when suddenly, A guy named Strongpole logged in behind me. He then Hearthed. 2 mins later, he logs back off right behind me on the dock. I stop what I’m doing, and go to the Auction House.
There is was…The Strong Iron Fishing pole posted by Strongpole.
People do the dumbest things in this game. The person that buys that pole is even dumber than the one that posted it. It’s a dumb eat dumb world out here.

What’s dumb about either of those things?

I somewhat believe the person that created the auction addons purposely put 1000’s of 1/20 stack items up on the AH so more people will download his addon. Also, I once put a stamina / int item green staff (for a level 12) and it instantly sold to player with Asian characters., I searched for said item, there were 5 up for 1g+.
I do not believe anyone buys these items for gold way over priced. I think the auction house bots are just playing against themselves. Rebuying and reselling for higher.