Auction House Automation


We pay 15 bucks a month to have blizzard moderate this great game! I am unsettled on the amount of automation on the auction house. How do I know this? I have been doing a test one this one character who I suspect is an automation bot while players can be afk! This is how I tested it. It is going to sound extreme but… I do not want to pay this much for a game that allows this much cheating. Automation that requires you to physically click is one thing… Automatically undercutting, buying out, creating, relisting and retrieving from mailbox to relist is while afk is another.
Evidence one: User is online 24/7 “low level”.
Evidence two: User makes same exact path to retrieve from mail
Evidence Three: The user undercuts no matter the day within 5 seconds all the way down to a threshold they must set. By any time of day you ask? 1am, 3 am, 5am, 10am, 2 pm, 24 hours. Yes I tested this.

You ask how is this a problem? When I dont test this, the prices but to 1.95 gold. I cant test this down to 60 silver. You can not beat something that does not need to breath or eat. I have not been able to sell ONE potion on ah since this BOT started. Anyone else I talk to has said the same thing!

Should I give up even talking about it? I really feel like my 15 a month and other should go somewhere else if they won’t do anything about it. At least look into it! You ban right away for grieving right?

TLDR: Automated AH bots are real that wont even give you a sliver of chance to sell anything.


I always love people who claim another player is online 24/7 when the only way they can know that is being online 24/7.

As far as being low level, players of all levels can buy and sell on the AH. My bank alt doesn’t make the professional items she sells.

So do I.

It’s called efficiency and habit.

They’re scanning for undercuts using pretty much any AH addon and they have a cancel auction macro keybound to the scroll wheel of their mouse.

You can use these tools, too.


I’ve sold hundreds of potions on both Horde and Alliance today.

Maybe you’re just not selling the right ones for the right price?

Being better at making gold than you are isn’t griefing.

It’s just being better at making gold than you are.

You aren’t guaranteed to make a profit on the AH. If you want to make more gold, you need to get better at the purest form of PvP combat in WoW.


If the potions they are selling at a lower price than yours are listed below market value, why aren’t you purchasing them and relisting them for a profit?


It seems to be stressing you out an inordinate amount.

You might be better off just forgetting about selling things on the AH.

Vendoring everything you don’t need might be more your style.

Good luck!


This always made me giggle.


This is the way OP.


I like how everyone just wants to ignore that the character is in the exact same spot for DAYS, never goes afk, and relist instantly. From my experience people who defend issues like this are using the bot themselves.
Not a single person wants to google AH bot and look at the FIRST link and see it the same description I am giving.

Do not look blizzard! I love making gold while I am afk watching tv because this bot advertises it can’t be detected!


So you’re doing the exact same thing this person is doing in the exact same spot, but because they beat you they’re now a bot…


I like how you ignore the impossibility of this.

Ah, yes.

“If you disagree with me, you’re a cheater.”

“Golly, it’s on Google. That proves it!”

Do I actually need to say it?


I don’t use the AH much since I play the economy game irl and prefer not to bother in a fantasy game but I’ve had no issue selling most of the items I’ve posted there.


You don’t understand.

OP is spending $15 each month and he is LOSING!

Stamps foot


Oh my!


Have you ever considered, you know, reporting them?


Sounds like everyone is a bot, but you.



"Anyone who does something I don’t like is a bot, and anyone who claims they are not a bot is also a bot. "

My man having a psychotic episode and seeing bots everywhere.

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there is a problem with certain auction barons or bots or what ever they are with constant pulling and under cutting, ruins it for the average player, all Blizzard has to do is make cancelling and auction much more expensive, why Blizzard lets a handful of people ruin it for thousands is any ones guess.


Botter detected, Your bots are playing while you keep writing a Bible in each post. Everything makes sense now.


You got me, occifer.

I’m in your AH, stealin’ yur golds.


If I see obvious undercutting of like 1c I will just buy the more expensive one. It’s just so lame to do that.

Other than that, it’s called supply/demand, and you’re losing the battle. Undercut more :wink:

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Playing the AH successfully isn’t a given.
You gotta out hustle.
Work it. Using tools to assist is simply playing smart. Get smarter, opie.