At this point it just seems like passive aggressiveness

“Smokescreen” is a bit silly. Do you get that removing functionality from old content has always been a thing? Northrend Draenor used to have multiple portals, up until MoP, if I recall correctly.

Not defending blizzard but portal to that desert zone, which name I forgot, won’t go away and is a short fly away.

Not the best but that’ll have to do if they keep pushing the portal removal.

And in a year they’ll be removing that one too.

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They can’t. They are leveling content. Every other portals removed so far aren’t tied to leveling content. A portal from MoP to Shatt is useless to someone leveling in MoP. A portal from Org to Vashj’ir is necessary when you level in Cata.

Incoming “but they all have flight paths”


Vashjir has only one and iirc, can only be accessed once you’re already there.

Another solution?

Be an engineer. Hell, be a mage engineer, then you have lots of options. That will be another good byproduct of this, restoring some of the class/profession uniqueness, as far as quick travel goes.

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i can’t wait to see the result of some of these portals being removed when they’re literally part of the quest saying ‘TAKE THIS PORTAL FOR YOUR ARTIFACT’ see dalaran crater etc


Another solution to a problem we don’t need to have in the first place.


removing more than adding; wouldn’t be a problem if they just expanded the area a tiny bit and added those portals being completely removed but I guess that’s too much work

Is this because of Mage QQ “I’m not important anymore please make mages and portals a thing again” ?

No easy way to get to Caverns of Time, Karazhan, Dalaran Crater, Wyrmrest Temple, The Vale, etc.

FFS Blizzard, what is the point of making travel less convenient? If it came down to choosing between old world portals and a fancy new room, I’d choose the old world portals 100% of the time.


So they’ll phase it. When you’re that level it’s there, when you hit 100 or 90 or w/e they want to cut it off at, they disappear. Just like the portal to MOP is in the middle of the Valley of Honor… until you finish MOP.

Two minutes of hate for removing portals to places that players rarely go to.

At a certain point, people are just looking for something to complain about.


Can’t say if they’ll phase them. Though I can say the new portal room in ptr does have a portal to jade forest.

That is not a true statement, they have left many up over the years.


Some yeah but not all. I haven’t been many times to shatt so can’t say for that one except it has quel’talas, but old dalaran had its capitals removed early on.

If they’re so negligible, why even remove them?

See: death of a thousand cuts.


Blizzard, why not just remove Outland, Pandaria, Northrend, etc. completely? You guys obviously love cutting old content, surely just deleting those game files would save a bunch of server space. Think of all the money you could save!


Their original reason I believe was to have fewer hubs that players would be in, so as to make it feel like a bigger population. Like when Orgrimmar was dead empty before crz got hold of it.