At this point, can we just join all four Covenants, and only gain the POWER of one at a time?

At this point, I just want to be able to roll through all the Covenant campaign stories, without having to remember to go back and change every time I go to run something. Similarly, it would be nice for just being able to chase after all the transmog stuff.

Obviously, you should still be limited to a single Covenant’s POWERS, and presumably any sort of “perks” they get while running dungeons (ie. shortcuts, interactibles, etc).

At this point, having to go back and change covenants just to experience the story feels like a bothersome formality.


I think after a character defeats the jailer on any difficulty the covenants should be like “ah we are finally at peace all because of you, feel free to come and go as you please”

So annoying how they don’t even let you fly OVER their covenant sanctum, they grab you like you are a garbage bag of dirty diapers, “GET OUT HOSER!”

Blizzard wants the game to be more immersive, how about that as a start to “MuH IMmErSioN” having the npcs actually acknowledge that we saved all of reality in any way at all!


Also, can we just have a single pool of Anima that transfers between them as well?

Again, just seems inconvenient at this point to have each one have separate anima. In fact, I feel like anima should just be tied to your character as a currency… I hate carrying all those Anima-items around, because I forgot to offload them all the time.


I’m genuinely unsure what meaningful difference there is between needing to swap covenants and what you’re proposing, OP.

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Opps, seems the previous post my comment was based upon, which I was referring to, just got removed. (He was stating something to the effect that he did not know what meaningful difference there was between needing to swap covenants.)

As for meaningful difference, I can tell you my resto shaman in raiding uses Venthyr covenant because the chain harvest is so powerful when used as I heal. But not quite as helpful in dungeons where I swap to Kyrian for the raging vespers vortex which is more effective for that type of activity.

I’ve played around with this a bit and keep coming back to this combination. I opened all 4 covenants up completely so that I can swap to whichever one I desire.

This is what happens when you have multiple borrowed powers where it depends upon the activity as to which set of powers works best. They just are not equal based upon what I’ve found.

Remember this, Blizzard:

Players hate choices.

So basically how it is now, but without having to go to Oribos

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but you’d still have to remember to go to a rested area and change it wouldn’t you?

as far as I can tell OP just wants to be able to do all the questlines at once while still needing to swap powers.

maybe I’m just misreading the OP.

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I absolutely hate having to switch covenants for different activities, not to mention remembering to also swap soulbinds every single time as well.

Pvp, M+, Raiding, Transmog hunting… Back to Oribos to switch every single time, then to Haven for conduits, etc. and so on.


Exactly lol. Or just give us some sort of simple interface to change it all.

That isn’t it. Just make it easier to swap.


They should make it so you can’t swap. Oh, wait, they tried that. Everyone complained.

What players really want is to be min/maxed for all content with no drawbacks as conveniently as possible. Blizzard will never again make anything like covenants, or the aldor/scryer split, or anything that involves choice and player power without trivializing the choice to the point that they might as well remove it as a choice.

This is part of the reason old talent trees were removed, after all. But memories are short, and they’re bringing them back, and I give it 3 months before people complain how cumbersome they are. Wait, never mind, there’s already a thread: No "Dragonflight" in Development Forum?

Hell, I’m surprised people haven’t complained about the 7-day lockout on vantus runes yet.

Having to go back to Oribos to swap covenants seems rather counter intuitive since we can swap specs as long as we are not in combat.

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In true blizzard fashion, the covenants we’re a pretty good idea but the execution was done horribly…

The covenants should have been transmog only related and you pick the powers you wanted…

But yes since it’s the end of the x-pac they might as well do that

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Lol, okay.
You seem so salty for no reason at all.

Is there something wrong to you with equal power?

Personally, I would have much rather they just left them permanent, but merely cosmetic. Give us all a singular Shadowlands power to choose from, that is relatively well balanced.

Only when it intentionally makes them weaker… covenants should have been strictly transmog and story only…

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I agree OP it’s a ridiculous restriction at this point. To add, the separate anima pools are laughable. Like OK Blizz, just cave in already. what are you even attempting to try!??

Yeah, I am salty at the player base. They’ve Tseric-ed the game.

Here’s my classic hypothetical example:

Pretend the 4 covenant abilities had been this, and only this:

  1. You do 10% more damage/healing in raids.
  2. You do 10% more damage/healing in dungeons.
  3. You do 10% more damage/healing in PVP.
  4. You do 5% more damage/healing.

Seems like a pretty straightforward choice, right? If you focus on one thing in the game, you get a good bonus for it. If you play at least 2, you get the third one for free.

But at this point, if these had been the options, players would have been howling on the forums about how they picked one of the first three and are now suboptimal and weakened and left out of groups or some nonsense.

If I had to guess, they’re trying not to spend the time refactoring expansion-specific code 75% of the way through the expansion.

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Literally all you have to do is make it so you can change conduits outside the forge of bonds. But flying/teleporting to zm is necessary for some reason

The anima and soul grind was the worst part of the gameplay this time around, and the achieve for raising all of a covenant’s features to rank 3 isn’t even account wide. And Blizz wonders why players say the game isn’t alt friendly. With the story of Slands concluded the anima drought should be over. Increase the amount of anima players get from activities maybe? And by increase I mean maybe 50+% instead of a paltry 1 extra item on a stack from a WQ? If Dragonflight is gonna release by the end of 2022 then Slands only has 6 more months tops of spotlight anyway.