At this point can we have a new game just for Elves?

Alliance can have Night Elves, High Elves, Void Elves and the Horde can have Blood Elves, Nightborne and San’layn and everyone will basically look the same and it will be super boring but at least then people might be happy in World of Warelf.

Its world of elfcraft

Don’t you know? WoW stands for

World of Womanly-looking-male-races.


I don’t know all this begging for this elf and that elf seems like it’s a bit much, WoW has a ton of races to offer but all anyone seems to want is more Elves…

WoW would become really boring but everyone would enjoy it.

… What?

Is this an idea for a game like Diablo Immortal?..

It would be boring in the sense everyone would basically be the same thing aesthetically, but at least everyone who likes Elves that much would be happy. The rest of us would still play the main game.

should someone break it to them??

i hate to be that guy… but…

The Alliance literally exterminated the last of the San’layn during BFA, including the leader. That’s why they seemingly dropped off the face of the planet in our storyline post 8.0

Blizzard did a poor job of letting Horde-exclusive players know this little detail… The Alliance had a war campaign in which they specifically tracked down and killed the Horde San’layn including executing their leader, Blood Prince Dreven.

Also the San’layn were traitors fyi… they were secretly killing and feeding on horde, which the Alliance also was only privy to this information and Blizzard didn’t make Horde players aware of.

here’s the war campaign in which Alliance exterminate the last of the San’layn:

It’s OK I thought they all died in Wrath.

We are the Elves. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.

So…why don’t you go support a thread for a race you want, or start one? People are going to ask for races the enjoy, and play the ones they like. You’d do the same. If people like a lot of a certain race, that’s fine. It’s not stopping you from asking for things too.

Yeah, no, that’s not confirmed. You’re spreading rumors there. There’s no extermination confirmation, people just like to pretend it’s a fact.

What did he think he was playing, World of Warcraft?

Me and Rickflairwoo the Panda have been advocating for Ogres since time memorial.

So where are you in the megathread then, have you been sharing your ideas?

You should be adding to it with your ideas if so, and come up with many. Look at what Bagzak is doing, he’s suggesting some lore for them and how they could be introduced.

Yea…I have to agree with the op here…

Everyone knows that the Tauren are the superior race. Smarter, stronger, bigger muscles, better looking etc. One with nature, the light, the earth, or just plain beat a skull in…

I am so tired of this elf crap…

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random scattered members of the race out in Azeroth, who cares… we’re talking in context of the Horde and the Alliance. The Horde San’layn were exterminated as i said. I even specifically stated “Horde San’layn” didn’t say the entire species/race.

Those scattered about azeroth, aren’t organized and/or have no known or clear leadership that we know of, just basically like the High Elves… so very few that still exist that they are of no concern or significance to anyone.

Which again… isn’t confirmed. There’s been no confirmation of any of that. What we do know is that many were killed off on that ship. That’s it. Once again, they never confirmed a full extermination. Numbers of them that were made were not confirmed either, nor their leaders.

At this point, though, believe what you want. I won’t argue further. If you want to think that they were all killed off, that’s fine. I don’t believe that and will continue to share my ideas regardless. I’m just sick of people saying something is “confirmed” when it’s really assumed.

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I’m upset people have hijacked my thread to talk about the merits or lack of merits for the San’layn.

This isn’t about any one elf race, it’s about all of them.

This game needs playable Ogres for the Horde badly and honestly Gnolls would be amazing but feel impractical. Forest Trolls would be welcome but I feel Zandalari more or less cover the same ground :smile:

Sorry, I’ll drop it. She brought it up first, and I won’t try to push it any further.

Once again, where are you in the ogre megathread? How am I more active in there than someone that’s evidently wanted them for a very long time?