At this point can we have a new game just for Elves?

If any were not on the boat that were willing to join the Horde… Sylvanas would have definately ejected them. you have to remember the reason why they were on the boat in the first place… Sylvanas sent them out on a mission to prove themselves to join the Horde… they and their leader failed… so what do you think Sylvanas woudl do with any random san’layn hanging around with the Horde… she’d have them ejected or killed for their leader failing her and the Horde… they did not prove their worth nor their trust.

So it’s pretty safe to say that the Horde San’layn never became a thing.

If you wish to continue this argument, feel free to go to the thread relevant. Otherwise, I’m not speaking further on it. If you don’t, I understand, and will agree to disagree. Here, though, I am not talking further on that matter.

Hey, if it means less human stuff on the Alliance, I am all for it.

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Because I genuinely don’t believe we will ever get ogres but I would race change my Orc Warlock if we did. I would be a blue skinned two headed ogres 100%.

dont forget, you’re the one who replied to me first.

They have a game.

Hahahahaha that’s amazing

At least toss in a positive thumbs up for them, and a support post, I say. I’m sure tons thought Zandalari would never be a thing either, but look at where we are. That thread is up and running with ideas thanks to Bagzak, he’s doing a wonderful job. You should say that in thread ^^ Don’t have to by any means, obviously (I can’t tell you what to do) but it really would be a good idea, because showing support for what we want is all we can do, and it could influence what’s added later.

They did say they’re taking feedback, so keep that in mind. Specifically for allied races. Ogres have been wanted by many Horde members for a long time, so if it can work, I’m sure it’ll be considered if not added soon.

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And you brought up the irrelevant topic into the thread in the first place, so. Anyway, like I said, dropping it. It’s a pointless argument in an irrelevant thread.

imo, the wisest thing would be to teach druidism to the Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves… but rather than teach them how to shapeshift into a bear, cat, bird, tree, or a reject from “where the wild things are”, instead teach them to shapeshift into an elf, then curse them so they can’t shift back.

hi, hows it going

Pretty good. I knew a hot girl named Ary once.

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I just want to make a Frenzyheart Warlock dude

well im a hot draenei :hugs:

Works for me :man_shrugging: