Aspectral Invitation Quest Unavailable

Order of Events

Leveled character to 70 without doing Dragon Isles.

Invited by friend to do Dreamsurges in Dragon Isles to Gear up for War Within.

Dreamsurges were available, world quests were not available, the Dragon Isles Campaign was not yet completed on my account.

After gearing up, I attempted to do the story of Dragon isles

I experienced this bug Can't Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters - #2 by Khalabad-dalaran

This bug is when characters that are Level 68 and higher are unable to receive the quest “The Dragon Isles Await” and begin the Dragon Isles Campaign.

I attempted to do quests that were available to my character that were not associated with the main Dragon Isles campaign wondering if it would open the portal to Stormwind from the Dragon Isles. (the portal’s availability is associated with the Dragon Isles Campaign).

This did not work.

I made a ticket and waited.

While I waited a few things happened;

  1. I completed the Dragon Isles Campaign on another Character, before patch day 9/10
  2. I received a response from support to check again for “The Dragon Isles Awaits”
  3. then patch day 9/10 went through.
  4. I logged in after 9/10 and checked and was now able to receive and turn in “The Dragons Isles Awaits” with Wrathion.
  5. The follow up quest, “Aspectral Invitation” was not available and I am once again stuck being unable to complete the campaign on this character.

If you do not want to experience either of these bugs, I’d recommend that you complete the initial introductory quests to the Dragon Isles on your characters before reaching level 68.

The first Questline is called, “The Dragonscale Expedition”

Edit; I found another thread that experienced this Bug before 9/10