Unable to pick up Aspectral Invitation from Wrathion

I’m coming back after a couple years break and wanted to do the expansion stories in order before I got to current content. Starting at level 60, I got a lot of notifications for where I should be going. One quest kept annoyingly popping up even after removing it from my quest log - Wrathion’s quest for The Dragon Isles Await - so I turned it in and didn’t pick up the next quest.

Anyways, I finished Shadowlands a couple days ago, now level 72, and looked for where I had left off in the Dragonflight campaign. I drove myself crazy running in circles looking for where I left off for the start of the Dragonflight campaign. Before I got more game time, I had done the Dracthyr starting zone and a bit of the first section of Dragonflight in the free trial, just to see how they felt. This led to hours of gaslighting myself “Didn’t I do it already?”, “But Toddy is still here in Stormwind, shouldn’t she be IN the Dragon Isles somewhere?”, “Why aren’t there any faction NPCs in the Wingrest Emissary?”. I looked on the forums and asked my friends. No dice. Finally, I just decided to follow the quest progression on WoWhead to see which quests I’ve done.

First quest, The Dragon Isles Await:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66577))
Ran true.

Second quest, Aspectral Invitation:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65436))
Ran false.

Okay, that’s weird. I can see Toddy Whiskers, High Exarch Turalyon, Wrathion, and Scalecommander Azurathel all next to each other standing in the corner of Stormwind Keep overlooking the Cataclysm portals. None of them offer any quests. I should definitely be seeing at least one quest from Wrathion and he isn’t offering me anything besides a few paltry words of, “There is so much for us to discuss. In time, the answers will come. You have my word.” Yes, there’s an entire expansion’s worth of story content I would love to do, and you’re the reason I can’t pick it up, Wrathion, my sweet son whom I rescued from the Badlands over a decade ago. So much could have gone differently…

So I submitted a ticket! At the admonishment of friends who had been playing all this time, I waited for a response from the support team. Horror stories of how the support team only sends out automated responses. How foolish I was indeed to have hope in my heart for a solution that should be as simple as clicking the button for me to pick up the quest.

The response I got:


Customer Support does not provide game hints or restore items, currencies, or progress lost due to bugs.

For common troubleshooting, please visit these resources:

  • Report a bug: (this forum)
  • Common Issues: (faq article)
  • Support Articles: (more articles)
  • US Forums: (forum link)
  • EU Forums: (forum link)
  • Game Guides: (wowhead) and (icyveins)

Foolish indeed.

Okay, that didn’t really solve anything. I had already read the other posts on the forums about how they too couldn’t get Wrathion to talk to them, let alone even exist in that spot they needed him to be, how level syncing didn’t work, how dare Blizzard lock an entire campaign once you’ve hit level 70 to railroad you into The War Within. Dramatic, I thought at the time, now seeing red. I’m not asking for a hint, I’m not asking for restored progress, I am stuck.

It took some time but a Gamemaster did answer the summons, requesting I submit a bug report. Their placation of having an automated response wouldn’t be necessary if a person had reached out initially instead, but I understand not everyone researches their issues thoroughly before asking for help. Still, it leaves those who are actually experiencing an issue they can’t fix through other means frustrated and lost. If the bot is going to suggest the same thing every time, why not have it be an automatic follow up rather than something that disguises itself as a potential helpful response? That’s a discussion for another time, however. Frustration aside, I did greatly appreciate the feedback I received.

I’ll be linking to this in the bug report I’ll file in game.

I am having the same issue but on the Horde side. I cannot pick up Aspectral Invitation from Ebyssian. I turned in the first quest and waited forever for the next one to pop up, but nothing. Still nothing about 2 days later. In game support got me nothing but “check the forums” after they told me they don’t give hints. Here’s a hint… Make the game work!

Possibly related: Kalendormu is missing from the Obsidian Bulwark on my level 80, meaning I can’t do the skip to open up the Obsidian Citadel. I have a strong suspicion that when they changed these quests to be open to level 10s, they accidentally set the level range to “10-70” instead of “10+”, meaning anyone who’s leveled into the TWW level range can’t do these intro and skip quests.

(Aspectral Invitation is also missing on him.)