Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

I almost said that. People need to just say something like “I saw a vid while browsing youtube where the content creator suggested X”…or “Its not my original idea, but I think X is potentially a good one…”

Not that hard really.

It’s not a good suggestion. No one should have to lose anything they earn.
It’s not an Asshatbald suggestion to begin with. Like much of what he says, it’s already been suggested many times by many others.
Furthermore, any such suggestion from a clown who has leeches and lemmings just giving him stuff means nothing. Whatever he would lose he’d get right back anyway.

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  1. A normal player who has yet to save up for their epic mount and would be super pissed to have their gold reset so that a bunch of crybabies can feel like they’re accomplishing something in the three days it takes them to refarm the gold in TBC.

I mean, there are people sitting on thousands of raw gold and tens of thousands in mats right now from farming and stockpiling early on. My stash of Large Brilliant Shards, for example, will be worth significantly more the week AQ releases due to Mana Oil being in the game. Plenty of people in my guild also farmed and bought Elemental Earth early while it was cheap knowing that the later resale value would be high due to increased demand. You’re essentially advocating that these people should have their time and investments undermined because they were smarter than you.


I disagree. I shouldn’t lose everything I got in classic. I had it when I went to BC originally and I should again this time.

Faction queues please

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It is so creepy when players get all lusty and excited at the thought of a AAA company exploiting their customers for cash that they start suggesting ideas to fleece even more people.

It’d be like suggesting to a dictatorship more efficient ways to treat humans like cattle. Seriously, stop.

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Nowhere, was I ever excited at the thought of Character Copy Services. What you quoted was merely sarcasm. As I explained it was just thoughts that ran in my head. I thought of many other things besides this. I tend to keep an open mind.

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Ah, I misread your intent, my bad. There’s plenty of people on these forums that think that way.

Of course- it wouldn’t surprise if Blizz actually did something like that, cuz it’s Blizz.

Who is Asmongold?

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'Tis why we have conversations :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hence, my sarcasm.

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No. It punishes players who worked hard for no reason.

And easy for him to say when randos just give him thousands of gold for free. He doesn’t have to earn it.


okay but make the vendor price of all soulbound items 1c so people arent hoarding epics to sell to vendors


You would have been much better off if you had just framed your same question without mentioning Baldy. The forum community tends to “REEEEEE” whenever he’s brought up.

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who cares what that bald streamer wants? and people who say “ruin” the economy have literally no idea how an actual economy works. People who save gold for TBC will quickly have it drained off, there are actual gold sinks in TBC…evey char you buy a mount for is 5k gold. The only sane way to do TBC is to treat each server like they did back when TBC launched…the portal opens…and we all get to go through it…no weird restrictions, nothing.

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You still have OG Classic, it’s by no means wasted.

Chump change for the big tycoons.

Fresh restart would be the fairest choice to put every player on a equal playing field and help ensure that all the gold/mats from classic van stay there and allow classic bc to separate itself from both retail/1.13 servers.

I also feel for these fresh tbc servers they should offer one free 58 character for non Blood elf/Draenei characters (58 boost unlocks for blood elves/Draenei once you complete the final quest of their starting zones)


The problem with fresh start is you’d likely kill - or at the very least, severely damage - the Alliance faction. The PvE side is good for now, but PvP they’re already vastly outnumbered. Once TBC hits they’ll lose their PvE edge too.

My guess is pvp servers will be horde dominated and pve will be ally dominated (not too different from what we have now tbh) though for player populations I’d say that those that put stock into meta-gaming and having max optimization will go horde this definitely won’t mean the alliance won’t be present in tbc clearing endgame content or having high ranked arena teams.

If anything, this prediction is more incentive for me to stay ally as I enjoy the more casual laid back crowd instead of gear checks, addon reqs, and toxic guild/raid leads. “Obviously not saying there are non ally side or horde is nothing but sweaty players.”

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A lot depends on how expansions are added. If they are all separate, stand alone, servers, Classic, Classic TBC, Classic WoTLK, then it makes sense, at least to me, that everyone starts from a level playing field.

In this instance progression really doesn’t, IMO, come into the picture since people could decide to stay on Classic at 60 or on TBC at 70, etc. And new people could choose to roll on one of the servers at any time.

It will be interesting to see how they decide to proceed.

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