Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

Opinions wanted.

Asmongold suggested character copies, except with all gold and all non-soulbound items deleted from the character’s inventory and bank.

I think this is the best of all worlds. You get to keep your gear and character, but nobody is going to flood and ruin the economy, etc.



No and also it won’t happen


How helpful.


Absolutely not. It should be a straight copy, no limitations or restrictions.


Would you like to unpack that a little bit?

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You asked for my thoughts. What more do you want?


What is there to unpack? It’s pretty clear, bud.


Fresh restart, think of all the people we could watch cry about it in the forums.


Actual reasons why it’s a bad idea?

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You’d be erasing a huge amount of player effort by straight deleting items, something that has never happened in the entire 15 year history of Wow. Theres no precedent for it, there may not even be a system to do it, so it’s not going to happen

Hypothetically, I could see them capping raw gold however, especially if BC is a xfer. Theres already a precedent/system for paid transfers (2.5k at level 60) and it would solve a lot of peoples concerns without just straight deleting peoples stuff


I don’t think that’s a very good idea for 2 reasons - 1) That’s not how it played out before and 2) a lot of people WOULD quit if that happened, so, bad for business.


How will this prevent people flooding the economy?

If you know how to effectively farm good, you’ll flood the economy within a week anyways. It’s even easier in TBC to print gold.

This just disenfranchises those who farm gold via traditional methods and slowly. Or don’t have a locust of followers trading them everything.


How much effort would that really be for non-soulbound items though?

In some cases a lot. As I said, I’d expect a gold cap if anything. This idea is silly

Because it disincentivizes people playing Classic. There’s far less reason to put any effort into the game knowing that it resets with the next release.

Keeping your 60s is nice, but resetting your gold is a pointless exercise in trying to reward laziness. Anyone who farmed the gold in Classic deserves to keep it going into TBC. That’s how it happened originally, and that’s how it should happen again. Anyone thinking that the economy is going to be ruined because a handful of people have lots of gold going into TBC have no idea how an MMO economy works, or they never played TBC.

Furthermore, removing all the BoE items from your inventory is really REALLY dumb. Many of those BoEs don’t have any value in TBC, or certainly far less than they do now in Classic.

Also, removing all trade goods is a terrible idea. You’re not preventing a flood of the economy; you’re completely deleting the economy.


Excellent point.

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It’s pretty bad idea just simply by the fact you’re taking away earned items and currency from someone.

  • People already know the ins and outs of TBC so everyone is going to stockpile gold and everything for flying.
  • The Expansion is meant to Expand on what is already going on in the game. It’s not a new game entirely, removing items/gold from a player would just be in poor taste.
  • It would be a slap in the face to anyone who’s putting in a lot of effort into the game.

It’ll be a 2.5k gold cap (at 60.) I’m calling it now.

Why would anyone still have BoEs at that point?

Also, since all trade goods are simply replaced with TBC ones, why does that matter?

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These are the people that spent 3 hours corpse running to BRM to do a dungeon, or spent 10 hours desperately spamming tab and an attack to damage those corpse runners for like 6 honor before they died. They aren’t leaving Glaive, as much as i would like them too.

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