Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

Don’t post nonsense.

better than fresh servers still

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Fresh servers BUT you can only type nonsense. All your speech is garbled. You can communicate solely via in-game emotes.


Ok fresh server but alliance cannot talk to alliance and horde cannot talk to horde. But horde can understand alliance and visa versa

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Fresh server but seasonal so you every 3 months you start over!


Why are you using that like a dirty word? You can’t just dismiss those people because it is not easy to count them.

Yeah, because people don’t actually need any gold or items as part of leveling in BC…

Asmongold is a troglodyte. Anyone who listens to this babbling buffoon is equally foolish.


Is this terrible idea good (it isn’t) because it was suggested by some tremendously fugly nerdstreamer, or because of its own merits?

Because it’s bad.

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If they are going to have separate TBC servers how it “played out before” is pretty much irrelavant. Classic isn’t Vanilla, and CTBC (Classic TBC) won’t be TBC. There really isn’t a progression if you can still play both, Classic with the 60 level limit and CTBC with the 70 limit. Maybe just start characters at 60 in greens and a mount(s).


Ok but counterpoint.

Fresh servers BUT you have to start with a randomly generated race/class and stick with it. You can’t roll another until you get the first one to 70.

Fresh Servers but your keybinds are not labeled and they change every 30 seconds.


No, no, no, and no.

The change to BC needs to simulate the change that occurred originally.

People brought thousands of gold with them the first time, people brought tons of BOE mats the first time.

We knew about jewel crafting well before launch and some of us saved up hundreds of ore to post day one, it was a huge money maker.

I’m sorry, but if you think that the whole “clean slate” thing is the way to go, you do not know how to play WoW.

LTP, and git gud

I see where you’re coming from and I feel like this may be a compromise we can both live with:

So fresh servers BUT gold has weight so you lose 1% movement speed for every 50 gold. At 5000 gold you’re rooted in place.


Sure then give everyone that chooses to play Classic TBC say 5000g, and a ton of mats based on the profession they choose.

If they are separate servers, Classic and Classic TBC, people that love TBC but didn’t play classic should get an even start.

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I had this discussion with some friends.

We all rolled classic together, they quit at 60, I still play.

We all love and are looking forward to tbc.

They want fresh/58 servers, I said I want copy with limited gold. I deserve to use my gear that I’ve worked on but don’t want over inflated economy.

They argued that people who have been investing their time farming gold deserve to have it as much as I deserve to have the gear I’ve been working on.

I couldn’t really argue against that.

The way I see it, you do fresh/58 or you let us move up with everything exactly how it happened originally.

Just something to keep in mind: the people who are “poor” in classic vanilla will also be “poor” in classic TBC. Any attempt to “even the playing field” but deleting items/gold will simply slow the process of creating the haves and have-nots by a few weeks.

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That’s funny you say that because Classic WoW itself was the first time they ever erased everything and had players start from scratch.

I without a doubt think there should be a 10,000 gold cap. Players who already have over 50k and some over 500k will be so rich by TBC that they’ll just own the game by that point. We’ll have never seen anything like it. People were not that gold efficient with farming back in the day.

I think there should be a cap to one stack of black lotus and alchemy consumables as well. That way, people can’t go in with thousands of flasks, which are actually very, very good in TBC, even after their nerf.

i would prefer BC servers start from level 1, with no character transfer. would keep more poeple in regular classic, promoting the health of existing servers.

his idea is a decent compromise tho.

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so he can get handed free shuff and have a huge advantage vs non streamers, yeah no.

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