Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

Wow that is an absolutely terrible idea. If you take your character over to tbc then you should be able to take everything you had in classic.

So they’d get a 25% return… If someone wants to buy TUF’s to transfer 30g of every 125, I’m ok with that.

#1 dont listen to streamers.
#2 there is gold sinks in TBC where vanilla there really isnt… (the bags from haris pilton etc)
#3 transferring to a realm would fracture communities all over again and faction balance will be a disaster.
#4 they should convert the current realms into TBC and have vanilla only realms for people to xfer their toons they want to keep on classic only.
#5 noone would play TBC if that means their communities are fractured, and would drive down subs…

Anything less than bringing over every single item and copper piece on all 10 of your characters is unacceptable.

Why not just dup the server; one stays Vanilla-era, the other goes on to TBC?

Then just make it [server]-[region]-[era]; Pagle-US-Vanilla, Pagle-US-TBC.

It’s really no different than what they are likely going to do, which is a straight [forced] update to the TBC Patch block.

However, you would still be able to ‘go back’ and play a different version of the game…which was the whole point of this.

I mean, let’s be honest. Blizzard isn’t going to stop at Wrath. They’ll milk this all the way to ‘one expansion behind retail’. So I’d prefer an alternative to just going down the same path that Retail went.

EDIT: I want to clarify that at no point would Character Transfers be opened between Eras; you can transfer between Vanilla-era servers, but not Vanilla into TBC. I would also like to add this would not exclude a future service to transfer from Classic to Retail. ((I’m positive they’ll give us that option…too much money left on the table if they don’t.))

ppl don’t know how many players ill come , or back to the game on TBC, especially fresh realm, 90% saying " quit" if can not copy your character … pure lies … So many out there making classes righ now cause don’t know how it will be

And people like me who treat World of Warcraft like a game about slaying monsters and having adventures as opposed to a second job or an economic simulator. I don’t even have an epic mount on any of my characters yet. If they wipe out my savings to placate your economic inferiority complex, I will be ticked off.

You say this as a joke but being weighed down by items is a good thing in an rpg

even if you would remove all gold and fresh start, people would just buy it with retail $$$ tokens or their retail millions which they farmed up before classic was even released, completely legal, all over again:

GM confirming it is legal:
X__I have just confirmed with A GM that trading Retail Gold for Classic is allowed - #63 by Perl-anetheron


Couple hundred Goldsellers in official forums, for months on end, no bans ever:

Why remove gold or freshstart when pay2win and goldbuying over retail token is daily business for everyone anyways? I mean some poor idiots would have to grind ZG or work for their gold all over again but that just delays the process of traders buying their grind.

The single only thing i can not buy for gold / $ from blizzard store right now is pvp rank and when TBC release i will just pay2win token myself into 2,2k+ arena team…

as long as the Token is in Classic and retail/classic trade is explicitly allowed, fresh starts do not change anything

I can’t believe anyone listens to that moron.

Works for me, I don’t have a ton of gold but I can at least transfer 3 characters to fund my main’s flying.

People with more lucrative amounts of gold are probably gonna be paying others to carry gold over for them since they just don’t have enough character slots. Then again they can probably just open up a couple more accounts and powerlevel another 10 characters to 60.

There is no valid justification to prevent me from keeping the items and currency I have earned on classic. At all. Period. I don’t understand why this is even a debate.

If you want to continue classic after TBC releases, you should have the option to copy everything over to a classic only realm, which I expect will die quickly (sadly). The default path should be as it was back in the day, current realms simply transition to TBC.

If you said “Here’s a Solution” the entire forums would have upvoted you.

But, you included the word “Asmongold”, and the forums have been trained to hate him without reason or justification.

It’s a quality suggestion, with no valid counter-arguments.

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Speak for yourself, not “the entire forums.” I like Asmongold, but this “solution” is only good for streamers and NEETs, not typical players. The solution is bad, regardless of its source.

way to make an argument LOL jk

These people who wants fresh starts only want it so they are not left behind having to level a pally or shammy. Going off how quickly people leveled and got straight into MC/Ony, cant see Kara/Mag/Grull lasting longer than a reset and SC 2 weeks at most after.

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Sounds like someone’s popularity is waning, so he needs a sub infusion by being mentioned on the forums.

I actually like this. And that’s coming from someone who would lose at least 10k worth of gold + mats.


Everyone is going Horde in BC no matter what.


Nope. Blizzard WILL find a way to screw it up. I guarantee it.

Premade characters are the best option. BC stays separate from Classic. No one is forced to move on to BC. Zero opportunity to cheat with character copies. Blood Elves and Draenei should still start at level 1 however.

I just don’t see it. People like their characters. They might want to go horde for a number of reasons, but they will have all their exalted reps, all those quirky soulbound items in the bank… dare I say all those friends. People aren’t just going to toss all that in the trash.