Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

Because it disincentivizes people playing Classic

Classic does this all on its own, it sure as hell doesn’t need help. A year an half for content that *might be a challenge GREAT GAME.

It should be a start over. New world thus new starting point. No copy should be allowed.

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Why are limiting player options? Why not simply have one server that is copies and another server that’s a fresh new server? Given the choice most hardcore players will want to re-roll and start fresh. Most casuals cant stand the idea of having to level to 60 again. They’re both correct.

funny solution coming from a guy that will never have to farm gold because his sycophants will just trade him hundreds within the first day.


What’s fair about that? I haven’t been farming gold, so why should I have my 500 gold taken away before I can even buy my epic mount? Why should someone who dedicated their time to gathering gold wind up broke like me? This seems unfair to everyone. If you want to start fresh, roll a new character and don’t funnel anything to it.

Found the guy who only plays Classic so he can farm gold for when TBC comes out.

The only people who are against this are people who are exploiting Classic so that when TBC comes out they can buy 10 Epic flying mounts and abuse the economy with all their gold.

Sorry mate but using classic solely to farm for TBC is toxic af, and I seriously hope Blizzard doesn’t let people like you abuse their Classic gold to ruin TBC.

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Here is a little tidbit… Any player who currently has 10k+ Gold is going to having a bank alt. In TBC Guild Banks come into existence. These players bank alts will have guild banks attached to them. The Guild bank gold sink is around 9.3k alone. this means a single mage that does nothing but farms and has a bank alt would have at minimum 15.4k stripped from them. Granted they could lower that price if they wanted to have 6 banks alts and log from character to character constantly.

So unless someone wants to imply there a hundreds of players with 100k+ or something that is going to “abuse” their gold and break the economy… I think you need to learn how an economy works.

Hell take a player like me. Who is simply planning for the gold sinks on the characters I plan to have… There are literally 4 levels of it and there is simply no way I could farm all that in classic. Hell I don’t think I could even farm that by the end of TBC Classic… maybe I could who knows. .

Level 1 Flying Mounts and Bank Alts(7 Characters, 3 Bank Alts): 45,250 gold sink
Level 2 Herbalist, Skinner, Miner, and Main Bag upgrades (4 Characters) : 19,200 gold sink. A Total of 64,450 gold.
Level 3 Full Guild Bank upgrades (3 Bank Alts): 25,500 gold sink. A Total of 89,950 gold.
Level 4 Full Bag Upgrades(7 Characters and 3 Bank Alts): 100,800 gold sink. A Total of 190,750 gold.

Yeah… I think TBC has more then enough gold sinks to rip enough gold from these people you think are hording hundreds of thousands of gold.

Kurogano, Are these upgrades you speak of somehow mandatory? How are you even trying to make a point with such drivel? And telling others they should learn about how an economy works… LOL ffs.

while for the most part I support this I do believe there should be up to 1 stack of any item in the banks kept so things like my [faded photograph] is still in my bank.

I think it should be separate just my opinion.
No copies. If Blizz did this, I think people will still come and play TBC regardless.

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The only people who are against this are people who are exploiting Classic so that when TBC comes out they can buy 10 Epic flying mounts and abuse the economy with all their gold.

I’m against it because it’s ridiculous. Why do you care about these people ‘exploiting Classic’? It makes zero difference in your play.

When BC comes out, Vanilla-era Classic will become a ghost town. No one except a tiny fraction will care about ‘ruining the economy’ - whatever that’s supposed to mean. You won’t need a copy of your character because you’ll probably never go back and play that copy.

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You think removing gold would stop those people who you are afraid of? kek

I think Blizzard would hemorrhage subs. Thered be no reason to progress your character or work towards anything anymore.

One of the biggest reasons I pay my sub is because i know my character will carry on. I will get to experience the world in this vessel and everything theyve accomplished will follow them through the years.

Remove that and ill just go play some single player game since at the points its basically the same thing

People who have a pile of 10k gold are the same people who will have that same pile of gold first come TBC, even if we all start at lvl 1.

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I don’t want the authentic “experience.” I want the authentic game. No changes.

Ah, yes. I ranked to 13 for the BiS gear and have raided every week since Classic launched because I’m just here for TBC.

You know nothing.

It’s not an exploit to play the game and farm gold. Get a grip.

“Toxic?” LOL

lol wont he just ask his viewers for gold again so he doesnt have to work to get flying?

Another person who has literally no clue how the wow economy actually works. You say “all mats start hyper farmed and hyper inflated” which makes no sense because you can only sell what there is a DEMAND for…so if it’s hyper farmed the price PLUMMETS due to the supply outreaching the demand. Then you go on to mention “gold inflation” being caused by bots farming and selling gold for “18 hours a day”. The value of gold would be next to nothing if so much was being injected into the economy as you claim, and yet EVERYONE is complaining how expensive things are. The game is VERY simple…if you want gold, you can go out and grind for it yourself. Or alternatively, you can come here and complain about problems that don’t exist and whine to try and get blizzard to fix your own lazy behavior.

Everything in this post is so dumb it’s mind numbing.

Did you miss the recent example with black lotus and classic? People getting epic flying day 1 or 2 of a TBC server means that they will be farming everything and stockpiling everything in ANTICIPATION of demand that is GUARANTEED to come. That’s how price fixing starts. The only time more farming equates to lower prices is when MULTIPLE players are farming so consistently that a market or the farming cannot be cornered. Letting only the richest players farm for a month while the rest of a server catches up ensures that everything gets cornered, stockpiled, and price fixed.

You don’t understand what gold inflation means. Everything is extremely expensive BECAUSE GOLD IS INFLATED. Each single gold is worth LESS. Because each single gold is worth LESS, the prices on mats and items is HIGH, making them expensive. You understand nothing.

I am the guy rolling the nickels. It’s why I understand how the classic economy is being manipulated. It’s why I understand how farming and markets are being cornered and locked down to allow for easy price fixing. You come here with a smarmy attitude and spouting off idiotic things because you have no idea what’s going in the game that you play.

Now leave the adults alone while they talk.

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Players would just buy BOP gear and then vendor it in BC for easy gold transition; there’s always a way to manipulate the system during transfers.

If they do re-release BC, honestly just have players start at 58 and be an Outland + Deadwind Pass server. Why even include any of the Classic content?

I respect that OP :heart: