Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

So it’s perfectly fine to have exploited gold as long as you don’t play TBC?

No. Either it’s worth fixing NOW, in classic, or it’s not worth fixing.

Sure he was, what they do farm out a few million crysals

That will happen naturally anyway, doubt many people will play both. working people wont have time for two classic mmos and a life outside the game

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? Where did that idea come from? My post history may be hard to go through, but I’m up there asking Blizzard whether they’re removing illegitimate gains or just doing a useless wristslap when they say they took action on 74,000 accounts.

I just (1) don’t have any hope that they do in WOW Classic and (2) don’t expect them to listen to anyone and make going into TBC Classic satisfy everyone. (Everyone being a combination of those who have multiple 60s and stockpiles and those who want a fresh start.)

At this point I expect the same half-baked ideas we’ve gotten so far, and some mangled version like adding TBC to all realms but letting players decide whether to activate it, which makes even less people happy than anything else.

Only if all of my earnings and transmogs transfer to retail. I want that T3, baby.

Correct me if I’m wrong, you want to limit wealth because you feel people exploited/cheated to get the wealth?

Limiting them going into tbc with no other punishment lets them get away with it as long as they don’t care about leaving classic.

Punish people who broke the rules in classic. Don’t use the TBC transfer for it or they get to keep their gains with no penalty, for the entirety of classic.

Terrible idea as one would expect from Asmon. The simplest and best solution is to simply treat TBC as an expansion with us all going through the dark portal at the appropriate level. It would be the most authentic Classic/TBC experience.


I got into this a bit with a different poster, but you are dismissing a group of people and slamming the door in their face because it’s hard to guess how many of them there will be. You may doubt it won’t be many, but it absolutely will be some unknown but quantitative amount.

You can’t guess the actual number right now, but you can know one thing with absolute certainty… one method allows people to play both should they chose to and one prevents it. One is a sandbox, one is a railway.

They already “fixed” retail gold by making it worthless.

So legitimate players should have their gold stripped because people botted? Thank god you don’t work for blizzrd.

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You’re being obtuse and disingenuous to hide away from the overarching story that is the WoW classic gold economy. It was ruined after the first month due to layering and layer abuse by bots and players alike. All mats started hyper farmed and hyper inflated and available from only a handful of players. The gold inflation is caused almost entirely by bots farming and selling gold. For every one player grinding gold farms for 18 hours a day, every day, there’s a dozen bots doing the same thing, but for 24 hours a day.

Ironically, the ZG scripted boost did the least damage in terms of gold inflation. Typically, bots generate mass amounts of gold by farming raw gold. With the boost bots, they sap gold out of players in exchange for a level boost. They then sell that gold back the players creating a gold loop instead of constantly generating more gold into the game.


WoW classic is NOT the same game as TBC classic start from lv. 1 just like every other TBC sever

Sounds good to me I’m broke in classic atm

I don’t think any streamers Idea’s are good or should be implemented into a game.

My opinion? His idea is stupid.
Thoughts? You and all the other streamer fanboys can shove it where the sun don’t shine.


I had the same thought.
Maybe not ALL gold though, let people keep 50-100g to cover repairs or whatever.

No. (I’m not sure where the idea came from, but I strongly disagree with the OP / the streamer they are referring to.)

I do want the wealth gained through exploiting / cheating removed, here and now in WOW Classic. Want, but realistically do not see it happening.

Players can be as wealthy, by whatever standard they identify that, as long as it is earned through playing the game. Admittedly, I’m irked by the sort who earn it by taking advantage of others, whether through some sort of gambling or through tricking other players in AH manipulations (like posting one item as a single stack at the same price as a large stack, so someone buying fast inadvertently pays way more than they wanted to). But irked is not the same as wanting no one to be able to build wealth in-game.

Way back when first discussions of TBC Classic were happening, my preference would have been for what might be called “fresh”. But that would have worked better if Blizzard announced it back then, and let those who didn’t want to play WOW Classic opt out. At this point, too many people have really invested time and energy in their WOW Classic characters, and asking them to start over makes no sense.

At this point, I’m thinking the best option is just server duplications, one moves forward into TBC, one remains only ever WOW Classic.

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To be honest, I agree with you.

I have seen others try to sell gold caps/wealth caps as something neccessary because they felt the gold was exploited/earned via cheating in classic. And I think Blizzard has the means, if they really want to, to ban and remove the gold in classic.

I think they will do some fresh servers with no transfers. It just won’t be every server.

As much as i like Asmongold’s content none of this would have a negative impact on him at all.

He will just get traded gold over and over again by the lemmings that follow him.


Ugh enough with you guys and your purist “authentic experience” bs. We don’t have an authentic experience now and we won’t with TBC. So get on board with constructive discussion or cry on your way out the door when Blizzard makes even more drastic changes.

Authentic… pfft. My vanilla days weren’t people buying HoJ runs for 400+ gold, buying nature resist gloves for 700+ gold. LFG channel spammed by mages boosting that speak broken English. My authentic vanilla was much different.

Blizzard ignored the impact of a player base knowing what they were getting into and min/maxing the crap out of it. How is 1.12 “authentic”?

Get a new line ffs, “authentic” never happened, never will. You can’t be 15 years younger with no knowledge of the game.