Asmongold's solution to TBC is best

Meh, imo best way to do TBC is making separate servers. Kill off some of the low pop classic servers rn (or merge them, as it’s ~1500 or lower players). Repurpose them into TBC servers and make only 2-4 of each category. (4 PvP, 4 PvE, 2 RP-PvP, 2 RP-PvE) and lock the god damn factions once a certain % of players choose a side. As we all know people are gonna roll Horde, then whine about “wtf my queues so long ;^(”

And because I know blizz enjoys $$$$$$, Make a option where you can copy only 1 of your toons to be placed into the TBC server, except none of your gold transfers (or make it a set %) or mats. Only thing that stays is what’s hard earned/soulbound (Armor, weapons, mounts…etc.), you keep your profession points you earned as well so you can move on to TBC professions.

Only catch is that this is a copy of a char on a classic server, so the original lives on and cannot contact itself or others on TBC servers, and its limited to 1 per account. If you have more chars/alts on other Classic servers you want copied for TBC, well too bad!!! You gotta pay Bobby a nice 20$ :^) (I hate the fact that this is something they would 100% pull.)

Obvs people will be mad either way, but just my take imo.

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Yeah, I can agree with options, for sure. Some will want to start fresh, and others will want to carry over.

If they said right now that BC would be fresh then I would immediately hang it up. My enjoyment of wow come from knowing that the work I out in carries over from expansion to expansion. I grinded the winter saber mount so I could have something cool for a few expansions

I don’t think they’ll force a completely fresh start. In 15 years this has never been something they’ve done. Don’t see it starting here

what if i don’t want to play TBC? did he say anything about them hopefully keeping a few classic only servers? Cuz i came back for classic, not TBC. Not that I didn’t like TBC. Zul’Aman was prolly one of my favorite raids. However I feel that if there is no Classic only servers people will go ahead and make those private servers that blizzard had to shut down.

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I’m not a typical level-60-player, but many (most?) players are, and those players dislike leveling. So they would like a TBC that lets them copy their level 60 Classic characters, not level from 1.

The “no gold rule” means you can’t farm endlessly in Classic, so you can buy-your-way through TBC content. I like that too. So this sounds like the best system to me – that’s my opinion.

True. Many players (like me) won’t switch over. So TBC should be optional.

I think it’s a great idea and I’ve been advocating for it on the forums for a while. Currency inflation is a constant issue that’s good to wipe with these occasional resets, and legacy players still get the opportunity to show off their cool gear, titles, and mounts. Most Classic gear will get replaced in Heroic dungeons or Karazhan anyway, a little head-start on progression would be fine.

yes but they need to keep a few classic only servers where TBC isn’t activated.

Yea no thanks. If I wanted to play a game that constantly wipes my progression I’d go play Escape from Tarkov again or some other game that is still in Alpha/Beta development.

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So first of all, I don’t think removing ALL gold is ever a good idea, there are costs of living in this game and they need to allow you at least some to get by.

For non soulbound items I have a huge problem with getting rid of them as some of the items I have in my bags are very valuable to me. Mostly things with [Crafted by XXX] tags and some gifts friends have given me.

I’d quit before I give up those items. Some of the simple items in my inventory hold more value to me than anything else I could ever obtain.

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You clearly have no idea how currency actually works. It’s not like people “spawned” in gold…all that happened is gold that already exists in the game gets funneled to people who work at it, be it through farming, playing the AH, multiboxing…whatever. In no way is the market “flooded with gold”. The only gold that exists in the game is created by selling items to vendors and turning in quests. period. That gold changes hands for goods and services, and players who do that don’t need to be punished because YOU didn’t do those same things. You are not at a disadvantage except in your mind. Nothing is stopping you from doing these exact same things to get gold. quit playing the victim card and work for what you want to have.

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You only want this because you feel left behind. You didn’t work to earn gold like lots of people did and now you want blizzard to step in and nerf everyone else to suit your needs. This is called “being entitled”. If you want things to even out regarding gold…go make a bunch of it for yourself…no one is stopping you but you.


Finally someone that gets it.

Mate, I’m a no-lifer. I can farm gold until I’m blue in the face. I’m ranking on a Warrior alt to 13 just for something to do. I bought all the flasks I’ll need for all of Classic’s content three months ago. I am NOT someone who will get “left behind” on gold, I play the game too damn much frankly.

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But you are poor…clearly. If you want things to be even…go make gold.

No, I want gold to be occaisonally reset because I think it’s bad for the raiding scene. It can become a barrier to entry when players have thousands upon thousands of legacy gold inflating the economy, not to mention all the people literally farming it 16 hours a day FOR A JOB.

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You have no idea how currency works in wow. You think people didn’t go into TBC stacked with gold in vanilla? i personally know people who had “thousands upon thousands” of gold going into TBC…and one who was literally gold capped. Nothing got ruined…quit playing chicken little and go earn your own gold.


Resetting progress of those who have put hundreds or thousands of hours into something is not a good idea. You wanna know what will happen if Blizzard decides to wipe bank accounts/characters for a Classic BC launch? They will immediately lose thousands of subscribers.

Okay, I’ll break it down R-E-A-L simple. When someone uses a bot, they amass far more herbs, ore, loot drops, because they don’t have human body constraints on their attention and play time. That produces more goods and gold than would otherwise exist.

Now, multiply that by thousands of bots. (Really, think through how many bots PER REALM we’re talking with Blizzard taking action on 74,000 in one ban wave, and more since, across 30-ish realms in the NA region.)

Yes, all wealth in-game is obtained in-game. Even the gold someone buys from Susan {aka gold-selling firms}.

Let’s look back at my full sentence for that context you left out:

Or as I say toward the end:

you need some gold going into TBC just limite it so one person isn’t using the 300k they have to contrll the AH

just do it like all the TBC P. sever oh that a fresh start rip