Asmongold : '' Lost Ark is Pay to Win , World of Warcraft is Pay to Win ''

I’m still curious how this kills 3-14 lvl keys :joy:

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My reaction
I have no reaction
I could care less what he says

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Being able to skip to m+15 and higher reduces the number of players who are willing to run keys 14 and below. 2-5 isn’t that bad because people farm valor in those keys. Players who would have to progress that way naturally aren’t doing it. Trying to fill a 10 on a baby alt takes forever. Btw I know what I’m talking about and I don’t care that you think that I don’t. Three of my hunters are better than you.

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Is that because of boosts, or because people inspect the group leader and see that they think it’ll be a mild carry (IE: not already overgeared)?

You have taken an effect and speculated the cause.

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Its because of -insert reason that supports their argument here-

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Interesting point. It’s also hard to fill 10s on 2400+ io characters. It could also be because the reward for 10s are bad.

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here, fixed it.

I have never had an issue filling my keys that were sub 15s.

That’s because you’re on a dead faction not because of boosts.

I doubt that. Feel free to link their names.

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Right, forgot that alliance is a thing.

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I watch a lot of Asmon and he may be right about Lost Ark, but I do not think he is right about WoW.

Not everyone who uses WoW Tokens uses them the way he has described.

To me pay to win means that if the game is free to play but you have to buy gear etc. to be effective…that is pay to win.

You do not have to buy anything in WoW to be effective. You can get gear, mounts etc from playing the game.


I mean dead faction would be a higher reason before boosts not being able to fill a 10 imo.

Though I haven’t struggled to fill anything on any of my toons.

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that can be said the same w/ catch up gear. Having the ilvl higher than m+3 - 10 will also make people think they deserve to be doing those +15 keys w/o prior knowledge because they think they’ve done enough (ilvl wise) to be invited into those keys

M+ gear is in a weird spot, but when used as the benchmark, it does make world gear look overtuned.

Why are you posting some other player’s opinion from Twitter?

Actually…he is paid to win.

He gets loyalists to carry him. To have content to stream, ofc. then…he gets paid.

Why i have more respect for d3 streamers really. Yes they farm in groups, many do. They still walk into that GR alone. RNG lines up badly you are getting slammed with prefix combo’s of doom on the mobs.

Nah, he gets carried for free.

yea. There’s really no way around it. The people who refuse to play with other people will complain if they remove/nerf it. So blizz is in a lose-lose situation

Just remove the base items for legendary crafting and give us something like the creation catalyst, or better yet, remove the wow token (which is too unrealistic)

Lost Ark offers a good product for free.
Lost Ark definitely is pay-to-win after some point.

WoW offers a very fulfilling endgame loop.
Blizzard makes some money off the WoW token, but it never injects gold into the economy. To me, it’s still players trading gold around in most cases. There are some elements of pay-to-win, but it’s largely for-gold, and that’s okay.

It’s a bit convoluted, but I don’t think WoW is pay-to-win. It’s pay-to-win with some additional steps (to an extent), sure, but it’s on the lower end of the spectrum.

WoW token/sales… It fuels a healthy economy for competitive players. (They buy potions, flasks, runes, feasts, etc.) And that helps the players who sell those items. Blizzard isnt selling those flasks, runes, etc. Overall, it’s a “better way” to do pay-to-win, imho.

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I dont think people in the forum truly understand what p2w means. Seems like a catch all phrase now like how “casual” is