Asmongold : '' Lost Ark is Pay to Win , World of Warcraft is Pay to Win ''

All good, I don’t care what it is called. Pay to skip, pay to win, whatever. It destroys the competitive integrity of the game and kills M+3-14 keys. It makes some people work harder than others to get to the same place. The commoditization of social play between players of different skill levels slows growth for legitimate players. It is bad for the game.

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Debatable, that’s just an opinion.


That will always be the case.

Again, debatable, that’s just an opinion.


Lol how?

People buying key boosts doesn’t affect you at all.

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Thank you for this important opinion, Man Carried Thru All Content™


You can actually debate it then! Why are boosts good for the competitive integrity of the game? In what world is this the case? Go ahead cutie

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I think in general, in most common cases, pay to win just allows you to skip everything in the game. And i mean everything. Some games legit allow you pretty extreme advantages over those who choose not to use the payment features.

World of warcraft just allows you to skip halfway indirectly. You cannot just straight up buy the best gear from blizzard. Not yet anyway. But you can, however, pay blizzard directly with real money for in game gold, and then pay guildies and boosters for in game services to skip unwanted stuffs.

So i think it is a halfway kind of a thing. There are still things that these people would need to do in order to actually be complete in the game, but if you choose not to buy gold from blizzard using real money, then you are at a bit of a disadvantage, because you have to do all the “annoying” things that the people who pay for the boosts would not have to do.

To be honest, it is just about the nature of competition. Because it still gives you a advantage either way in terms of progression. But it is not as extreme as some games are with pay to win.

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In PvE at least, I’m saying it’s a net neutral on the “competitive integrity” of the game.

Which doesn’t mean it’s good, but also doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Stimulates player to player interaction and rewards other players for their skill while also rewarding less skilled players for their gold making ability by allowing them the ability to get harder achivements/gear

But it still has to be something that the company directly allows you to do.

There is no “pay here to win” button anywhere.

Then it’s not “pay 2 win”. The company isn’t putting that in place for you. Other players are doing it.

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Lol right? The start of this thread was funny.



Btw good players are not bad at making gold. Why do you act like only bad players can make gold and good players need to be rewarded with it? I’m sure most good players also have tsm, a few custom scripts, and a bank alt.


Where did I say that? Absolutes are never good to use in arguments. All I said was they were rewarded for their skill.

Someone had to make that gold to provide the token.

Player A makes enough gold to sell a token. Player B buys the token. Player B pays a group some gold to get carried through the content.

Player A makes some $$, Player B gets to do the content, and the Group makes gold.

Everybody wins. Except of course the players who are upset because their feelings got hurt :pleading_face:


I don’t think you understand how expensive it will be to get a 15 next season with wow token dollars. 1st week of the season, 15s will probably be close to 800k, possibly more (assuming historical data holds, but all data is pre-boosting community ban). If you want to spend $80-$100 to get 1 +15 done, That’s not normal imo.

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Curious, I was arguing this exact point here a week or two ago lol

I said it before Asmongold, Bellular, or any other Youtuber.

Can you guys leave comments saying they just parrot what I say? It would make me feel better after I get accused of it all the time


I find this ironic.

The player who is rewarded for their gold making ability is the only one who deserves it. The player who buys the boost should play with other bads and grow together, making a better community at all levels. And the player who does the boost is contributing to a disgusting culture of commoditized cooperation.

These people have the best gold purchasing ability of all!

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How do you survive drowning in that much irony.

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Lol I actually felt nostalgic of path of exile when I played lost Ark. Went back to poe on my lvl 80 witch for kicks . :rofl:

I consider wow as a totally different game . Even GW2 doesn’t feel like wow they both feel different .

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This is unfortunately true.

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Which is appropriate considering that’s what he does.


$100 = ~ 1 mil gold.

That gold had to come from somewhere. Didnt just poof into thin air.

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