Asmongold : '' Lost Ark is Pay to Win , World of Warcraft is Pay to Win ''

Gear and achievements aren’t anything that qualifies as winning.

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“Asmongold is pay to win.” See? I can make wild proclamations and claim them as fact too. It doesn’t mean they are fact though.

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What is winning in World of Warcraft then?

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Thats the neat part. There isnt.

You still actually have to do the content whether you’re contributing or not. Pay to win means you can get the goodies without doing any work.


Don’t mind me, I’m just posting so I get notifications


More, Asmongold is pay to whine


Back in vanilla it was apparently standing around Iron Forge preening while the unwashed masses ignored the geared loiterers.


No, you don’t. You show up for the key being put in and that’s it if you want to stop there. You don’t have to stay in the group for the run, you’ll get mailed any loot from the postmaster and still be eligible for a vault. You could do pet battles in Nagrand while the run is happening if you want. If you get traders, they can even mail you the loot that drops for up to 2 hours after the run.

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Exactly, and if group leaders don’t want to do their homework before inviting people to parties, then too bad, so sad.

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Almost like they paid a fee and are now able to skip the content

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You argue it’s pay to skip, whatever sure! I don’t care what you call it. Argue about specifics if you want but it’s still a thing that sucks for the game and shouldn’t be allowed. Pay to skip, that’s not a good thing either. The ads too, get rid. Bye Felicia!

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if he spent .1% of the time he spent whining taking care of himself, showering and having good hygeine he would be a respectable member of society.

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I hate when players come up with ways to boost the economy by creating services. Damn you free market!


I don’t think it works that way.

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That’s not how that works.

Once again you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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When I have to go to the in game shop and spend real money to unlock a dungeon or new levels then I’ll agree it’s pay to win. Until then we’ll have to agree to disagree.


i stopped listening to amazon employees long time ago

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