Asmongold : '' Lost Ark is Pay to Win , World of Warcraft is Pay to Win ''

buy gold pay carries to get shadowmourne is still pay to win with extra steps

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Exactly, not grinding up to +15 or progression raiding till AOTC mount.

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How is that? There’s people of equal skill compared to you who do this; you don’t have to put the time in, and then you have the gear before the other equally skilled player, but you didn’t do anything yourself to earn it. Still more likely to get into a group than you, and still pay to win.

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If you’re not checking your group members io scores or logs, then you deserve what you get imo

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You should probably read what I posted, again. Maybe a few more times. You can buy io numbers. You can even be a good player, and buy your way to better gear more easily without real effort in the game. You wouldn’t know the difference if they did or not. It’s still pay to win.

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Except it’s not. Anyone can go farm shadowmourne by themselves.

Using gold to pay for players to carry you through something isn’t pay to win.

You can’t win in WoW

So you’re wrong on all counts.


Yes you would. Just because YOU can’t read rio doesn’t mean everyone can’t.


So if a legit 2900 player decides one season they don’t want to take the time to gear their character to 278 themselves, how would you know? You wouldn’t.

Just because YOU can’t read properly, doesn’t mean everyone can’t.

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Here’s an idea. In a competitive game where you are ranked based on scores, and compared to others using metrics like ilvl and raiderIO and CR/exp, pay to skip IS pay to win.

& if you get boosted, you deserve to be banned for cheating imo. But here we are!

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They aren’t buying boosts.

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It’s not pay to win.

The same amount of content is being done. Nobody is swiping a card and instantly being handed a “you win” sticker.

They are paying a group of very skilled players to complete content on their behalf. Its literally a community transaction between players.

Bold idea: you can get all of those scores yourself without paying anything to anyone.


False. 2400 players wouldn’t do a 10 if it wasn’t for friends or $$. I could see the case for 15 but tbh on push weeks, it’s not happening.

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1 group, 1 boss kill, ~40 minutes per dungeon.

Gold exchanged hands from an unskilled player to a skilled group.

Same amount of content, same amount of time, same amount of effort.

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You misunderstand. The 10 wouldn’t happen if nobody was paying for it. Most people carrying get nothing from the dungeons because they have it all from weeks of 20+ vaults. All three of these statements are false.

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For as many runs I see being spammed for sell then yeah, I believe it’s pay to win. As long as win is defined as gear and achievements.

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It doesnt matter if it would have happened or not. Its still not p2w

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Thanks for showing you don’t know how mplus works.

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To you, it’s not! Enjoy your 7s!

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