Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

Thing is they ban them in waves every few months imho it’s not fast enough!

I had no idea what this meant. Went to Google. Laughed out loud. Felt guilty.

I have watched the show and you cant say he doesnt get on peoples cases for minor mistakes. That’s just lying lol and like I said I don’t consider myself a fan iwatch a video every now and then but dont watch his streams. You call me out on being a toxic doo doo meanie pants for saying a word, but the end of the day it is what it is

I never said anywherethat he wasnt toxic lmao where did you get that? I’m sure he can be but his chat is worse

Then we literally dont disagree on anything

Oh sunshine I don’t “hate” anyone. I just find his Asmond personality to be that of someone starved for attention.

If what he is doing is good for the community in this one instance, compared to all the other times he has encouraged negative behavior then good on his Asmon persona.

It’s also quite entertaining to see the masses flock to this character’s defense. It’s much like ppl defending their precious actors who don’t give a rats battokus about them, and wouldn’t give them a second thought.

Also I want to thank you all for the flags. It simply shows that whole flagging b/c you don’t like the post, not flagging for anything the flag option lists. lol Continue living in your echo chambers. :kissing_heart: :rofl:



damn the jealousy is palpable.


No we dont…all I asked for was examples onwhy youdislike him…and you gave me one and I agreewith it…so notsure why we are going at it like this haha

Then that’s that, we agree.

What if they are boxers?

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The fact is that a great many players can’t tell the difference between bots, boxers, and regular players. They’ll report anyone who is minding their own business and doesn’t respond to a whisper.

I have two accounts and often play with one character on follow. That’s not multiboxing or botting, but I’ve been told I’m botting.

Most bot reports are erroneous and a waste of time for whoever must follow up.


The reskinned 15 Anniversary mount.

Lol wise orc always chimes in with the best comments

The wyvern? Deathwing? Frostwolf? I mean, all can be considered a “reskin” I guess.

I’m just curious, btw. Not arguing with you.


You really thought you did something lmao.

I was referring to the 15 year anniversary store mount - the “Alabaster” stormtalon/thunderwing.

Lol youre clearly not “emotionally healthy enough to tell right from wrong” and just joining the bandwagon of hating asmon. If you ever actually watch his videos where he talks about serious issues in the gaming community, hes an extremely down to earth and geniuine dude. Yes he looks like withered Jim and never goes outside. But that doesnt make him a terrible person like you and so many others claim. stop being a sheeple, do some research yourself and formulate your own opinion. Otherwise YOURE the “awful human being”


Ok the wyvern, got ya.

… I actually love that mount.

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I 100% back Preach, and I like Zack…I just do not like “Asmon” or ppl like him as he is loud, obnoxious and just not someone I care to watch or “worship” like many of his followers seem to do.

If that’s what you got out of what I said, cool I guess? :thinking: :woman_shrugging:

(Edited to correct where I placed the quotation marks - had them around Zack, and meant to place them around Asmon)

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There has been a big bot problem that has been documented by a few people and constantly reported. Nothing happens. One instance was Botanica where Hikons stood and saw that they’d be there for days on end and then crash the felsteel longblade market.