Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

They don’t act alike, however their tv/show personalities are similar in the way that gordon on that show is a dislikeable hard@$$ that rides people on the smallest mistakes…based on the show alone and his attitude he isn’t super likeable…so some people could find similarities between asmon being disliked too for his persona

he’s not in terms on opinions go he has his own opinions and many disagree with him meaning they get all salty and claim he is a bad person or they throw that argument around that he is a bad person cause he promotes toxicity in terms of his fans are toxic. He can’t control others and their opinions if people are toxic they toxic and yes many of his followers are toxic. no different then any other streamer and imo asmon along with a slight few other streamers are more in tune with their fans making it better where as you got these streamers who maybe do harder content but clearly they don’t care about their fans at all they just want subs and expect to get subs cause of their skill set and what not.

no different then what is going on irl and has been for idk how long. people just simply can’t understand that it’s OKAY to have different opinions on 1 subject. AGREE TO DISAGREE.


Don’t purposely be this.

Asmon doesn’t seem like a bad person. To me he treats streaming as a job so he puts on his Asmon hat, then when discussions become a bit more serious (than most people of today can handle) he puts on his Zack hat. His answers are always well thought out and he never seems to say something to just say something.

I think the only thing I don’t like is how much he curses…but I’m probably in a minority when it comes to not liking when people curse.


Cool. Thank you.

So you wait outside until a bot has hit their limit and watch it just stand there?

Thank you. Honestly some folk get kinda annoyed for simple stuff…

Not like I told them to stop or something. I just wanted to know how they can tell the difference between a bot and a player who’s actually running it.

What show are you watching? He yells at people fir serving food that can potentially kill someone…
Pretty big difference from that and since streamer nerd who gets his fans to harass people over something he does not like on a video game

How so? They banned a whole lot of people who were botting over the last year, or two. They did it in waves. Heck they put the infamous, and most popular bot business out of business after finally beating them in court. I do my fair share of criticizing the things the devs do on occasion, but will give them credit when it comes to handling folks who bot. Asmon is making? JIm Jones, and Charlie Manson had a lot of followers also :crazy_face: I wonder what else a youtube streamer can get warcraft addicts to do lol.

Because cold risotto will kill someone or putting sugar instead of salt in lobster capoleni lmao okay. Hedoesnt advocate for his fans to mob someone but his chat is full of toxic spergs so

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I mean, most store mounts are hideous. fight me bruh

No they’re not. Most are amazing. The only “hideous” store mount is that dumb golden dragon mount. Gd that thing is bad.

So you never actually watched the show, ok.

Also calling people “spergs” really dude? Painting a great pisture for his followers here.

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RP disruption, hating on RPers, hating furries, hating anyone who buys shop mounts, hating anyone who speaks out against him are a couple. Does nothing to try and control his community in an online game except to target people, reads forum threads live on stream so his viewers spam them.


Different strokes for different folks. Everything is okay but the anniversary mount is so bad.

I dislike the guy, I consider him a big problem for the game. I also really dislike his fan base, who has some of the most toxic members of the community.

But he’s doing something good with his following here. I can dislike the guy, but I can concede when he does something good. This is one of those times, good on him for a constructive use of his herd.


Which one are you talking about?

Have some popcorn pick. I am just having fun.

Cause all those toons need an active subscription.

To be fair, the only bad thing about that one is its totally borked flying animation. That was a complete dev fail.

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I like how the guy trying to tell me Asmongold is not toxic then uses this to describe people…

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I didn’t like how bright it was either.