Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

I used to watch his vids till he started insulting what was very likely children over their transmogs.
Hes too juvenile to take seriously.


Asmon is the man!

(sneaks Trustlvlfour a cookie)


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Aww if that’s true than that ain’t right :frowning: Was it people listening to him?

I’m assuming it’s for views. I don’t personally know Zack to know who he truly is but, I find his content entertaining.

But he isn’t making them do anything. They’re just doing it because he is just saying something about bots. Like I said who is making anyone do anything?

It is. It’s one of the appeals…he has good transmog sense and if you que up you’re deliberately wanting to be judged and get an honest opinion…yeah he’s a little brash about it but he’s trying to make it entertaining for his stream…if you get in you should kinda expect to be roasted and that’s half the fun lol


That’s a very good question so here you can see WTBgold showing a bot in botanica and explaining how he knows it’s a bot


Want one example? Ok, he made his followers harass anyone with a store bought mount.
Now go ahead and tell me that’s not toxic


People sign on to the mog contest knowing full well Asmon is going to blast them and be unfair and a bit picky.

That’s part of the appeal of watching the transmog content. People who go in know full well what they’re getting into.


Yeah totally, how did you know?

I didn’t know he did mog contest. Doesn’t he do mount offs too?

Asmongold is a hero. He is what every 20 something or 30 something SWM sitting at home playing the game wishes they were, secretly or not. I don’t always agree with him. I find some of his opinions downright delporable. But I can at least see where he is coming from and agree with him a good deal of the time. Even if I didn’t he is so entertaining. He is like the poster child for the typical WoW player, so much more so than most probably want to admit. They just get jealous because he has millions for doing it. He is living the dream.

I dont care about the players. The way HE behaves is juvenile. If people tolerate it that just tells me that they are more adult than he is.


It’s really not that serious. The “way he acts” is a part of the fun. You just don’t get it.


“Its just ah prank bro”


It’s like people hating gordon ramsay because of his attitude on hells kitchen…like it’s just an entertaining act tbh


It’s more like he acts like a child. That resonates with his following who are all 30 somethings that have to get their way, or they cry and act like a child too.


Except Gordon acts absolutely nothing like him, what?

You tried. I got it mate :yellow_heart:

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