Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

You’re literally white knighting for him. It’s more entertaining than anything. I’m sure he’s super happy you’re coming to the forums to combat people that see him for what he is.


Examples please, that doesn’t revolve around “differing opinion=bad”

Yeah I learned long ago not to try with any of his fans. I can name every example everyone else knows about only to be met with NOT UH

I usually watch Bajheera if I watch WoW streams, but I did catch about 15 minutes of Asmongold a few days ago and he said the biggest mistake he ever made was rolling a pvp server :rofl: Not sure how he didn’t see the griefing coming, but oh well.

I don’t think so. I’ve seen people like Gluttony everywhere. They’re more present than you think.

People who absolutely hate and cannot stand streamers or content creators like Asmongold. It’s surprising how much hate can be packed into a single person.

But you involve yourself in the communities outside the forums, you’ll see these guys in droves.


Staying on topic about these bots would be best … but that’s prolly asking to much from some of you


I watch a few of his videos but not his streams, i think he’s entertaining, but i genuinely want to know why you think he’s such an awful person and deserves the flak he gets from this forum in particular.

You say the bad streamer name and GD has an aneurysm it can’t be helped.


So you’re dodging. Okay.

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I’m trying to keep it on topic lol. I really think that although this is not the best method of dealing with bots, Blizzard’s inaction is kind of forcing players hands.

I did think it was quite a roundabout way of saying “yeah i have nothing” lol


Am I late to the popcorn table? Did Grumbles give out all his cookies yet? :worried:

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No mate. Here :popcorn:. Literally eating popcorn irl too


This is the worst excuse of a ‘rage’ compilation I’ve seen. Most of it is him being excited in PVP or sharing his, most of the time, over the top opinions.

Sunchips here. Are we still on topic?

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My question is this: How is Asmon making people report bots?
I mean he has his opinion but how is he making people do so? I’m not siding with anyone just wondering this outloud.

I haven’t had those in years. A little bit of swaying but is to be expected.

I want popcorn now. Gonna see if I have any bags left. Btw, what brand are y’all eating? My favorite when it comes to regular microwave popcorn is Kroger’s brand regular butter.

You stream to 50k people and tell them “Hey you should do this.” More than likely you’re gonna get a handful of people who do that thing.

That’s just common sense.

Orville “movie theater butter”