Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

Yes the amount of reaching you’re doing to try and call him pos is making me cringe.


OMG, what is this? I was standing in front of iron docks and they were just in and out by the dozens…non stop.

Wow … cognitive dissonance and ignorance of the subject matter but still commenting with great inaccuracies

Look what you’re making me do… UGH…

So talking :poop: about people you pvp against makes you a bad person? Even if that person can’t hear or see what you typed? That sucks because that means me and my husband are going to hell :sob:


Of course I’m against botting. But how much responsibility do you think he’ll take when he inevitably gets someone legit banned because of his cult mass reporting?


Asmongold derangement syndrome is real.


I’m not trying? Are you blind? I already did. You seem to be the one reaching. Your white knighting him is HILARIOUS though LOL

You are so ******* soft it’s crazy :rofl:

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You basically just said anyone with anger issues or rages at anytime which happens quite often for many people in a video game is a Piece of crap. Congratulations.

Good try but I have a friend in blizzard. That stuff was free and I’m free to criticize and praise blizz whenever I want. I do both regularly! Good try though white knight #1.


I feel like it’s so patently obvious they are bots. It’s all the same class, all the same levels. It’s not like there is a random warrior also in there that is getting reported. Also I would say, that it’s Blizzards inaction to dealing with bots that is causing the community to react this way.

No I didn’t. I said a lot more than that but you decided to remove it from the quote white knight #42

Ahh I see now. I thought you were being serious. You do you.


Yeah Gluttony is a troll.

It’s not the right way. But we’ll see.

He didn’t quit, he just stopped streaming Classic unless he was doing raids.

Because Streaming in Classic is basically a 24/7 beacon for ganking.

Well you devolved pretty quickly when you realized everyone disagrees with you.


Come on man, look at the internet. It’s full to the brim with old guys doing things like this. Look at child you tubers and the way their parents act trying desperately to cling on to their child’s viewers

Replacing them with younger kids once the other ones get older and not as funny.

It’s everywhere literally. At least asmon is just playing on a video game he likes. Actually he has some pretty good points as to when and how the game has changed and decent ideas about fixes. It’s not all bad.

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That’s nice, he is still super toxic and does more harm them good


Oh are you sad I wasn’t replying to you? Here you go!

Hurr durr didn’t reply must be troll. It’s okay white knight #49, you matter.

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