Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

Botters really piss me off. I’m glad he’s doing this. Blizzards innaction just speaks to their greed and lack of character. All they care about is the amount of subs they can have, no matter how detrimental it is to the game. Way to go asmon, I’m really hoping this has an affect but I doubt blizz will grow a spine because of this.


Some people are just ignorant … And full of cognitive dissonance… let them live in blissful ignorance

Actually, they aren’t. I’ve seen players others claim are botting and aren’t. The only people who know for sure is Blizz. And they usually take a good look at what is going on and how is being done to they can try and break the system.



Instances have limited amount you can run … bots wait outside until they can go back in …, not hard to go look


Right. Because a person taking care of their sick mother is the definition of a toxic human


I don’t mind his opinions, but the way he treats most of the people he interacts with says a lot about him.

And this says a lot about our society.


How so? I see almost no bots, anywhere. Sure, there’s some farms. But it’s not like RuneScape where literally 1/4th of the population you meet are bots

I think hate for both of them is a little overblown and unjustified.

Preach more so than Asmongold. Preach made a statement against LFR, and how much of the casual community view help and advice on playing the game better as a toxic elitist mentality. And it’s just an excuse that people don’t want to get better.

That’s an opinion he had 6 years ago and has barely brought up ever again. But as we can see, people just blindly hate the guy because of it.


I think we just hit a world record GD. You didn’t flag a asmongold thread and we’re at 51 posts.

Well when there is like 50 of them standing outside a dungeon it’s hard to imagine that isn’t a bot.

They usually tend to run instances like the Botanica (irony?), Iron Docks, Skyreach, and the like. It’s extremely widespread with Warmode off in those places and when I’ve checked the stuff out for myself my mind was thoroughly blown by the amount of druids/DHs of the exact same level (not even max level) doing the exact same thing.

You have to look for 'em usually, but they’re absolutely there.

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Didn’t this guy rage quit Classic because he kept getting beat up in WPVP?


Never said they weren’t. But we have a tiny bot population

Am I seeing things…or did you actually just post a asmongold rage compilation claiming that makes him a pos?


This thread is about botting and how it’s damaging the game. Asmon is calling attention to it. I get you don’t like the dude. But can you get on board with the anti/botting sentiment? And if you disagree with his methods, what would you propose to deal with the botting problems?


yeah i’ve been wondering

I feel like not even you, a rabid fanboy, can watch that video because of how much it makes you cringe. Like how an actual living person could act that way at his age.

It’s pretty telling when it’s all the same class and all the same levels.

A couple dozen or a couple hundred bots can still shaft an entire server’s economy if given the time; and considering Blizzard’s inaction, these bots have definitely had the time.


I’m not saying they aren’t bots, they may very well be. All I’m saying we don’t know for sure. And considering how unpleasant the source is, there is a slim possibility this was manufactured in some way (not likely at all but possible).

I just want Blizzard to deal with rather than have people have tantrums.
