Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

None of the things listed here are bad.


wtf i love asmongold now.

That was good to see, and it probably motivated Blizzard to actually get around and start banning some bots as they announced a bunch of bans afterwards which is good to see finally.

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Laughable at best. “Not up for discussion”. God forbid people change their ways. Not like you would support that type of behavior anyway - the type where people do things for the better. Mercy help us if he isnt the perfect example of how everyone ought to be.

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Hating on someone or something is more of an opinion is it not? Didn’t know not agreeing with or not accepting something is so wrong. Also, there is no way he could control his viewers lol. Sorry but every single large youtuber/steamer can say whatever they want and try to tell them not to do something but, there just isn’t much else the streamer can do to stop it.

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so…yet another topic about mouth breathing ratboy…could we please stop mentioning that silly weasel with the over inflated ego


Can you describe what this is? I don’t think I’d be able to look at a player and say “that’s automation”

There is probably a whopping two Netherstorm (or Gorgrond) shards active at a given time. One for WM On and one for WM Off. The problem looks much larger than it actually is because of this.

I’m gonna guess he means doing the same exact movements. Meaning for example, the dh runs exactly 10 feet forward and then 10 feet back 100 times over. Otherwise I dont get it either lol.

That’s my guess as well but he could just be a multiboxer :man_shrugging:

Well that is true. So idk. I’ve never actually gone to those places and looked for myself so.

The only place I go where botters are known to always be is Botanica (I still don’t get why :rofl:) but you’ll usually see a group of characters standing outside the instance. I don’t sit there and watch them because I got better things to do but you’ll always see someone there

Let’s face it most non furries hate furries anyway

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Please do include the symptoms to the unaware I’m afraid of catching it.

The area these were in there were mobs that drop grays that stacked and sold for a couple of gold.

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If you go to the Gilded Market in Suramar, there’s two or three groups of boomkins covering the whole place spamming Sunfire on every mobs there. One person multiboxing 20+ boomkins, farming whatever it is they’re farming, for more than 4 hours EVERY midnight (I’m in asia so my afternoon is your midnight, 12 hours timezone difference).

It really isn’t hard to tell if they’re bots or actually human spamming Sunfire for hours every single night.

There are ways to detect bots pretty reliably. Especially poorly programmed bots.

I saw that later on last night. That’s a lot of accounts banned/suspended.
But as you said, good post.

Insider info I take it? Or just a jab at people who don’t care for a streamer that you’re a fan of? I’m going with the latter. Typical response of a Asmongold Fan.

Delusional player base… There’s a lot of delusional people part of the player base and not all of them are boomers or people who utilize LFR. Which by the way, gave me an idea as to what part of the player base you belong in.

I’m in a group that follow many streamers. Many in this group are in the 30/40 or above range. Some even watch Asmon. So that kinda negates your comment.
They may dislike the man himself but that doesn’t mean they dismiss his opinions. He does at times make sense and makes points.

His followers/fans are what most people dislike about him.

I don’t hate furries and I’m a non-furry. Live and let live.

This is true. But somehow this streamer has gotten 1000’s of followers to do his bidding. I’d like to say young and impressionable are most of them, but that wouldn’t be true.
I know of a few older players who just think he’s perfect.
“Makes sense and has his thumb on almost everything” and “He must be doing something right and know what’s happening because of insider info” Etc.

But yea, not much anyone can do to stop it. Except maybe not put an idea in their heads.

you do understand they have to break the bot first before they ban it otherwise we just have endless botting, correct?

they just banned 74k bots too…

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i would say they may be botting but may not be IIRC i am multiboxing running the same dungeon with 5 toons not botting just run in/out. reason why its fast gold so you can’t say everyones a bot tbh lol.

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