Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

It is wise to concede something you cannot prove.

George Carlin quote would fit the narrative.

I feel like you might be biased. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone using a multiboxer addon toons are all stacked

You new here aren’t you? Can someone take him on a historical tour of MMO’s and the once “useful” GM’s that played the games for such reasons?

I am sure you would find it colorful and entertaining and come out knowing a lot more than your ludacris demands.

Some will argue against it until they’re blue in the face, but yes there are definitely bots on retail WoW. They’re not even ⅕ as brazen as their Classic counterparts, but they exist, and they move and act different than multiboxers do.

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I’ve come across them in odd parts of the game world — one such encounter was a bunch of troll death knights all from different servers running around in the exact same big, perfect circle path in that part of Hellfire Peninsula with the Alliance soldier ghosts. They’d “aggro” onto the mobs they came across, and if you taunted a mob they were fighting and pulled it away, they’d stupidly follow the mob clean off the edge of the map trying to kill it. No real player would act like that.

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You’re the one that said it, not me.

I do agree with the time limits.

But unless you sit there (which you may have) for days and months how do you know it’s the same bots?

I’m not sure when they do the waves of disabling/banning accounts etc. That’s something we aren’t privy to.
It’s possible they break one bot only to have another pop up right afterwards.
I parked a character once outside of Ulduar. Think at the time it was Halls of Stone. I checked everyday after reporting and it seemed nothing was done.
One day as I sat there…the usual swarm was entering and after leaving instance they flew over to the flight point, sold their loot and returned. Rinse and repeat.
I was getting ready to log after killing them repeatedly (back when it was strictly a pvp server) for a few minutes, when the swarm just died. I mean it was just gone.
I can’t say they broke them at that time. It’s possible they just ran out their timer,if they have one.

Point is they do them and yea I agree there should be some kind of limitations on suspected bots, until they are broken.

It’s the same names. Unless they’re remaking the exact same toon name after bans. I’m fairly certain that characters aren’t deleted with bans, so I would assume that same name = same toon that’s been there for months.

Not all the time, but they have previously made a show of force by announcing that a “wave of bans just went out recently” on several occasions, and usually give a rough estimate of accounts or actions involved. I would even go so far as to say that it could be considered a somewhat regular occurrence every few months at one point. Or at least it felt like it for a time.

They leave out many details, like what was specifically targeted, or what was done to combat the issues, but that keeps the bot writers in the dark as well. But it would also be a reassuring thing for the community to see.


Most likely just make new ones with the new rolled out bot.

I haven’t checked the website for the most popular bot makers list of whines. It usually tells if there’s been a wave etc. Last I heard they were going to close the website forums to members only. I just never went back to check. I don’t want to join and be associated with them even if all I’m doing is reading the forums.

The bot group I mentioned in my earlier post never returned. Or if they did it was to another place.

I’m surprised they don’t remove the accounts. Especially if they are just made specifically for making gold for gold sellers. Which I’d say they should be able to tell a hacked account from one made for gold making/selling only.

You’re right. I haven’t heard of any ban waves going out recently. Been awhile.


Ironically, they actually just made an announcement a few hours ago that I was unaware of that’s along the same lines I just described. Wish they had maybe said something about why bots seem to be significantly more prevalent recently, but a good post to see nonetheless.


I don’t like Asmonbald but it doesn’t mean he’s never right or does no good. Glad he did something productive this time.


I also can’t stand him, but have to give credit where it’s due. The Blizzard teams should be made of people that care about the integrity of the game at least half as much as that guy.


Yeah when even someone I can’t stand is doing more than the company that’s something. I don’t even say it in high praise of him but just how bad Blizz has gotten about it.


so he’s finally compensating for the oxygen he’s been wasting for all these years? good.


I gotchu fam

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The only one people crying out about Asmon are boomers usually above 30/40 usually thinking streaming is children stuff . Or Casuals which are at the same time dedicated LFR runners.

quite sad if you ask me because these are the underpart described as delusional player base.

Or RPers

So the majority of GD

sir this is a wendy’s

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