Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

About Asmon, Orivel gave the best level headed reply to that, around the 31st post.

The real subject at hand is the actions needed to be taken about botters. i don’t think it’s ever been this bad, as far as i can remember.

Also a big thank you to the mods for restoring some of my posts. Keep fighting the good fight, it’s appreciated. :smiley:

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Holy christ, someone actually thinks that Asmon is the source of all the documented botting that’s been going on for the past 2-ish years? It’s all just been a build up to this video, I guess.


No. I was just saying that there is slim possible chance that he created this video for hits. And no…I don’t watch his videos. Man, you really do hate someone that bad don’t you. :no_mouth:

I report all Mechagnomes. They are technically bots.


Smart, smart. :+1:


Heh, that gave me a chuckle.

Plus he is one of the biggest pottymouths playing this game. I realise adult language is a thing nowadays - I’m an old fashioned elder in this game and I happen to have certain social attitudes that are probably seen as out of date. But using foul language in every second sentence is tacky.


The characters I’m talking about, the 100+ Druids and Demon hunters farming Botanica and Iron docks are very obviously bots. I’m not at all talking about multiboxers.
How do I know they’re bots?
They move in a robotic fashion only moving in sharp WASD directions and snap movement that is very weird for a human to do.
They all do the EXACT same movements suggesting they’re all using the same botting program/script.
They are online 24/7 doing the same thing non-stop.

I understand that it’s bad to falsely accuse multiboxers to be bots, but these characters that I’m talking about are very blatantly bots. Yes, I do not 100% know they are bots as I can’t access their accounts like Blizzard can, but they are exhibiting the behaviors of bots and I feel extremely confident to say they are bots.

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I’m all for them breaking the bots, which understandably does take time, but that doesn’t mean intermediary action can’t be taken in the meantime. You don’t have to break the bot to ban an account for using one. You can still limit their impact, and slow them down.

Sure, the person in question running the bots will eventually have a new toon/account to replace the banned one, but that’s at least some time taken out of the equation. I think people’s biggest gripe is that some action can be taken, but seemingly no action is being observed.

I’ve seen the exact same four Druids insta-spamming mobs in Nagrand for over six months now, and they were probably there long before I noticed them. Multiple reports weekly, yet they are still there. Again, most people know that time is necessary to tackle these things, but when we start measuring the activity in months, and then years, it begs the question of what, if anything, is actually being done to combat the problem.

Eh I have nothing against foul language. What matters to me more is how a person treats other people.

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The thing is… some things are not up for debate. This is one of them.

Treating people like crap makes you an awful person, no matter how “chill” you are while you’re not. He’s built his fame around being an aggressive douche.

Now, I can say it’s a good thing if he puts his influence to a “good cause”, like reporting botters, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna look the other way when he abuses most people he interacts with.

Like I said, I was a kid once and I’ve been called “a cocky little crap-bag”, but I was 20 and grew out of it. How old is Asmongold? He’s gotta be at least 30. He’s not a kid.

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Perhaps it is the trait of a possibly awful person, but there’s more than what people are shown. There’s no way for you to prove that someone acting awful half the time means they’re 100% an awful person, because it’s impossible.

The world isn’t in black and white, and no matter how much you want to decide facts and choose to say things aren’t up for debate, there are going to be people you think are bad that actually aren’t and as a result these people are allowed to persist unhindered.

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And I get that, which is why I mentioned my social attitudes are different to others, which is a given. I still find it impossible to watch him because of his level of use. Plenty of other streamers and content makes manage to play the game and make vids without that level of tacky.

And PS to OP and your title - nobody can MAKE anyone else do anything in the game. His faithful followers do things he tells them to do of their own volition.

Asmongold is one of those bots that needs to be banned.

It isn’t sunday yet.

You do realize Blizzard doesn’t have employees in every zone on EVERY server policing every 100 feet etc. right? How is he doing Blizzard’s job exactly? Last I checked, it is up to the community to report this. It is impossible to have enough employees 24/7 with someone in every zone, on every server, within every 100 feet to look for bots.

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I never understand how this always makes the list of “they’re bots because…”, because if someone PM’s me, it’s very likely I won’t respond back either, unless I know them.

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To me that sounds more like “Begin the purge, my minions!” and less like a community service, though I would guess that at least some of them mean well. Hopefully something good comes of it.

Good God, Asmon? That guy is even more awful than I am. But I don’t have a twitch stream or cult following. He’s living proof that people will follow anyone that think the way they do.

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[quote=“Astrius-dalaran, post:280, topic:557835”]
no matter how much you want to decide facts and choose to say things aren’t up for debate

We can debate all day if it’s better for the country to be locked up or to activate the economy, but we can’t debate if treating people like crap for any amount of time makes you a bad person or not. Most things aren’t black or white, but this is.

We’re wasting our time here, and I have better things to do with mine.